The Final Rounds

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(Y/n) pov:
The finals are here what to do what to do. "Mark hurry up!""okay give me a minute""I gave you an hour!!""I know that""okay then byyyeee" I closed the door walking a few feet away from it mark bursted out the door with Mr.Midnight next to him"I hate it when you do that""it gets you out the door faster so of course I'll do it more than once"
Mr.Midnight was wearing the bow tie I bought yesterday"heeeyyy someone's looking fancy" I nudged marks shoulder "yea that's why I took so long he wouldn't stay still" Mr.Midnight meowed at him as he took the front prancing. Yin and yang stayed home being lazy like always. Many people are what I'm guessing excited to see the match."(y/n) there's so many people is it really that important the exams?""yea mark because it brings people together around us""then why do we fight each other?""it's like say that we shouldn't breathe mark fighting brings us together it's what makes the world go round and round" I posed making a hero face"or make people shed blood on the floor and taint it" mark just shoved me playfully running up ahead.
Fireworks loom up in the sky"come on mark run faster we're almost there!" We got to the benches looking for open seats"(y/n) look it's Sakura" mark waved at her ino was with her as well.
"Hey (y/n) hey mark!""hi" I sat down with mark on my left and ino on my right.
"Hm where's Naruto?""he's not here yet" meows and patting on my foot"hey chill cat" I raised my foot away from him he pointed at the arena Naruto came sliding in through the entrance"hey look he's right there""he's late" so who's fighting first?" I asked "neji is fighting first""oh cool" mark sat up straight grabbing Mr.Midnight onto his lap scratching behind his ear.
"Everyone, thank you very much for coming to the village hidden in the leaves chunin exam. We will now begin the final round matches for the eight who made it through the preliminaries please watch until the end!" Grandpa finished mark cheered with everyone I just smiled and clapped.
Mark pov:
"Wooo!!!" I lifted Mr.Midnights paws as if he's cheering too" so Narutos first too" Naruto and neji stared until they were in a fighting stance. "Do they have to stare at each other?""well that's how you create suspense" 'come on!!!!'
There he goes a force of chakra come out of neji or Naruto I can't see from here but it came out of somebody.
There was five Narutos all attacking but fail. I held a blank stare Naruto isn't going to last long"(y/n) neji is strong""I know but Naruto can try can't he" I just shrug watching the battle as it got more brutal in the end Naruto punched neji up the face making him the winner"ya Naruto you did it!!" Everyone cheered.
(Y/n) pov:
Towards the end I was surprised how it ended. "Yea!" The cheering died slowly waiting for the next match minutes pass and nothing is happening "what's taking them so long" I slumped on the bench mark followed copying my actions I sat up resting my head on my hand he did the same 'is he trying to annoy me?' I crossed my legs he did the same"hey mark look here" he looked at me I pinched his nose smacked my hand downward hurting his nose in the process "ouch why?!""because why not"
they said that sasukes match would be postponed the next battle didn't even advance because kankuro chickened out"hahaha kitty's scared!!" Mark laughed next was remarks battle with shikamaru I pat marks head telling him to calm down it's not that funny next thing you know you see shikamaru fall off the rails landing on his back. Mark bursted into laughter turning red wheezing people ranted at him telling him to get up temari came at him with force minutes pass and he's hiding in the trees. Strong winds fly pass us mark almost took flight. "Come on pineapple head you can do it!!!" Mark shouted at him 'jeez hope he didn't hear that' he play his game in shadows moving back and forth temari jumping further back away from him. He trapped her in the shadow from the hole"wow he may be lazy but he smart" mark nodded shikamaru saying he quit me and ino jaws dropped at his laziness "you have got to be kidding me" mark looked disappointed this guy is more any than I thought.
Sasuke should be next in the fight but he's taking his sweet time on it. Sasuke finally showed up with Kakashi. "Ya duck butts here!!!" Mark jumps on his seat dropping Mr.Midnight I caught him with my foot setting him down I smacked marks leg making him buck his knees landing on his butt."sit" people around us cheered for sasuke. Gaara very slowly made it down the steps into the arena"go Gaara!" Mark shouted punching the air. It was as if time stood still for the everyone.silence. Not even a cricket was heard.
Happy 4th of July hoomans!!! Yay fireworks!! I can't wait to wake up the next day and see how people fudged up this year😅
Is that bad??
Anyway I hope you enjoy your 4th of July as much as I am and I see ye next time

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