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Next Morning

(Y/n) pov:
10:35 a.m.
I've placed the box in the room everything was set. I took one last glance in every room leaving marks last to check. Mark always wanted a cat painted in the wall but grandpa rejects it when ever mark brings it up.
So I painted a cat on a tree on one of his walls. My room is
(whatever you like to have there).
I rushed home just in time before mark woke up. He shuffled down the stairs with a tired expression."hey sleepy head ready for some more training""ugghh" he turned around walking back up."hey come back I made breakfast" Mr.Midnight walked down the stairs stretching on the last step"sup cat"
I placed a bowl of cat food on the ground and gestured him to eat he shoved the bowl back hissing at me."what? you want something else?" He nodded walking to the fridge, he pulled the towel opening it "hey no human food for you-HEY! Leave that ham alone! and you're not even listening" I let the cat eat the leftover ham. Mark walked in seeing Mr.Midnight eating the ham in the fridge"should I ask?""nope"

"So mark are you ready for some more training?" He sighed looking at his bowl "maybe" yin and yang ran down the stairs into the kitchen falling on top of each other. "Hey guys you hungry?" They barked wanting food "okay then hold up" I pulled out dog food and poured two bowls for them. They jumped wanting the food "hey sit...sit..aaaaand go" I laughed petting them as they devoured their food. Mark rose out of his chair placing his bowl in the sink"let's get this day over already" he stretched his arms "lets go then"
We reached the training ground seeing Kakashi already there,"Kakashi you're early...again" I dropped the mat unrolling it "well you did ask me to do something right?" Mark walked off to the side looking at the weapons"where's the fan?""oh that I left it at home considering how you might not want to train with it""I liked it though""oh well then" he growled at me showing me his grey eyes once again"mark don't even try you know you're going to lose""wanna bet""what are you getting at boy?""if I win you have to give me one of your famous flight travels you know what we did before as younger kids fly around nearly killing ourselves-""okay I get it and if I win which will happen either way you owe me a favor""and that would be?""well you just have to wait and find out""fine"

-3 hours later-

"Ugh okay get off you win you win!!""winner (y/n)" Kakashi pulled mark up "it's okay mark you'll beat her one day""I guess"
"Hey I'll be right back mark stay here with Kakashi"
I got to the ANBU area picking up my uniform"honey I'm home""hello (y/n) here to pick up your uniform?""yes I am and might I say I look fabulous in it""....sure why not"
I sat down waiting for my uniform I began to think if doing this was a good idea. I fiddled with my fingers starting to get bored" hey am I getting my uniform or what""yea about that we may or may not have....lost it"
" do you lose... an ANBU Uniform?"
"Hey not everyone's perfect okay"
"-sigh- fine how long is it going to take to get a new one?"
"Not long....just two three hours"
"What do you mean two three hours I have to train a child before I leave and give him something important"
"Well we can give it to him if you want-"
"NO-I-I mean no it's just ...I know where it is and I have to give it to him personally"
"Okay then let's get started"
I walked in the room getting measured I lifted my arms so he can get my measurements.
"I remember getting your measurements while you were sleeping"
"....I'm sorry...did I hear that right"
"You didn't need to know that I am so sorry"
"Please explain before I quite before I even start"
"Okay so the hokage wanted you to be in the team and we needed to have your measurements for that and since you were basically everywhere at the time the only time we could do it....was when you're sleeping"
"So grandpa gave you and everyone else permission to go into me and brothers room at night just to get measured....that is so low even for grandpa" I walked off the stand crossing my arms"so am I getting a cool mask as well or not?"
"Yes and two new weapons so now we wait"
-3 hours later-
"And it's done have you chosen your weapons?"
"Yes I did y'all gonna regret I'm in this once you see what I choose" I grinned crossing my arms behind me. "Oh and yin and yin get coats as well"
"Awe it's like it was made for kids"
"Technically yes it was but you know" I laughed changing into my new uniform.
"Looks nice and for the mask you can choose we have many"
I picked out my mask and placed it on I was handed a coat with white on the inside."hey why is my coat like this?""captain in training basically so when you walk around in it people know you're next in charge...and we're to lazy to make you a new one"
"Wow for such active people y'all are as lazy as I am" I chuckled as he scratched the back of his head.
I checked the time and it was about to be 5:00 "Oh god I have to hurry!""wait you still have the-" I flew all the way home running up the stairs. It took a while but I managed to find the forgotten box. I smiled this box took years to make the powder in it was worth the scar I got.
~flash back~
"Grandpa do you have this in your secret room?" I pointed at a lizard in a scroll he swiped it away."yes,but why do you need it?" I fiddled with my small hands"just Mark is always home alone with a babysitter and I'm with you all the time so I read in your scrolls that you can make a powder that makes images and record your voice when you I was""was thinking of making some for Mark (y/n) this takes years to make you know""well yes but is it wrong to try?""no fine you can make it the lizard is in the cage in the scrolls room""thanks!"
-that night-
I saw the lizard it hissed at me I crawled closer to it "please don't be scared I just need a- OWE!" I pulled away blood ran down my cheek grandpa ran in clearly hearing my screams. I was taken to the medics they said that I will be left a scar and there isn't anything that could take it away.
"(Y/n) are you okay I have something for you" grandpa walked in handing me a mouth cover"what is this for?""well you might want it to be mysterious you know be like Kakashi" I stared at the mask and smiled hugging grandpa."thanks!"
~flashback over~
I blinked a few times noticing the time "crap!" I grabbed the crate putting everything else I wanted to give to Mark and placing the box gently on top."let's do this yin yang come on we have training to do!"
Marks pov:
I jumped on Kakashi landing on his back and twisting his leg up"okay you win geez kid I don't stretch that far!" I let go still sitting on his back"Kakashi?""what is it kid can you get off me" I sat down next to me Mid rested next to me he arrived hours ago wondering where he went."I hate my sister""why do you say that?""she's always gone she pushes me and never says things like 'hey you did it' or 'you're improving I'm proud of you' nothing""well (y/n) isn't much about affection you should know that""but I'm her brother! I might as well be a only child and it would still be the same!""uh Mark-""I'm not done! She always takes the spot (y/n) did this (y/n) did that I'm a shadow I'm always second place! And then there's school I'm not allowed to go because she didn't go like since I didn't go to school you can suffer like I did as a kid" A crate was dropped near a tree and shuffling was heard in the trees. Kakashi facepalmed and smacked the back of my head. He grabbed the crate setting it in front of me. Inside was clothes, a mask, and a cat sweater the fan that I practiced with was there too 'she must be giving it to me' . The yin and yang symbol on the back of the shirt caught my view it was hand stitched. A book with the Leaf village symbol imprinted on it

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