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~couple days later~
(Y/n) pov:
So Mr.Midnight is a challenge. I hate him so much at the moment, I looked through out the book room in our home figuring out how to train him. He's different from yin and yang that's for sure ~:meow:~ I felt a warm fur ball near my right leg I bend down petting Mr.Midnight I raised him on the table I examined him with an intense stare...white black slit eyes, pure black coat, strong tail, sharp nails, and sharp teeth."you're a strange one aren't cha?" ~:meow:~ "what are you you're too normal to be a cat" he just purred in response "okay then" I noticed Mr.Midnight has gotten older maybe an early teen cat....I don't know. I figured the books won't help so I went to the scrolls I came back with a load of scrolls based on cats. 'It has to be here it has to if not then he's a regular cat' I went alphabetical order so I don't miss anything I checked the time. I've already spent half my morning here good thing I sent out mark to the back yard to practice on the other weapons. Mr.Midnight kept meowing dramatically for my attention I tried to ignore it until I felt a scroll thrown at the back of my head."ow what cat what do you want?and how did you do that without thumbs?" He held a small note sized scroll in his mouth. I sat on my knees taking it removing the ribbon from it. Before I opened it I looked at him to be sure he just hopped on my back siting there waiting for me to open it. I slowly opened it not believing what I'm seeing
//yang panther//
This breed of cats is one of a kind most people would pay a fortune just to own this amazing cat.
What makes this cat unique is it's hunting skills and large size. Ninjas from the yin and yang clan take advantage of the big cat for ANBU missions or dangerous missions in particular. It grows to the size of a regular panther preferably rideable.
Most of the time these big cats are mistaken as kittens when in early ages
These cats are usually bred in the yang clan for brutal training some recommend them as:
As menacing as they seem they love to play and cuddle their love ones. Some say when a person finds one in the open nature as a cub they're destined to be friends till the end. Training them is more than simple but brutal.
-open space
-smell training
-hunting each other
-surprise attacks
What the heck did I just read. Mr.Midnight meowed at me as if congratulating me on figuring it out. I grabbed his fur on the nape placing him back on the table poking his face softly "but how? The yin and yang clan fell out of existence years ago everything that was part of it mark is the only one left how is it that you're here?" He just laid down purring rolling on the papers scattered around the table. "Well if you are what this scroll says then I need to test you." I quickly grabbed the cat making my way out the room. I left Mr.Midnight on the counter and to grandpas room grabbing his night shirt."here if you find this person then we'll do your training" he's never see grandpa's night clothes so this is perfect. He smelled the shirt getting a good sniff and off he went out the window I followed behind nearly crashing into people we passed by academy he stopped and smelled the air again.'he's fast that's for sure' he walked in going to irukas class the kids screamed in happiness seeing the black cat again"Mr.Midnight what are you doing here?" "Sorry to disturb your class Iruka I'm just training the cat for the days and it's not going well I'm testing him right now""really? Then why is he here?""that's what I want to know too" Mr.Midnight meowed loudly at konohamaru standing on the table"hey cat wrong person!" He just ignored me and sniffed konohamaru he meowed again jumping off and out the door."we'll see ya later Iruka kids take this as a lesson exercise as much as you can" I ran out following the cat.
Mr.Midnight ran all the way to the hokage office he scratched the door trying to get in. I opened the door letting him in Mr.Midnight sat on his desk purring at him,"okay then cat training will start right now let's go" grandpa asks me what's wrong with Mr.Midnight I only said test run.
Mark pov:
I practiced with all the weapons on the mat so far......not good I've only perfected half of them maybe that's good enough. I see (y/n) with Mr.Midnight on her shoulder 'wow my little buddy is getting bigger'"hey how's the bukijutsu coming along""so far it's okay I managed half the weapons here""oh well that's good enough you don't have to perfect them you just need to know how they work" I wanted to kill myself....'so much for perfection' "so how has Mr.Midnights training gone?""well that's why im here I want you and Mr.Midnight to chase me yin and yang around town.""what?""think of it as tag okay it's part of his know tracking, pouncing, that other stuff cats do""um okay when?""right now here and give us two minutes to hide here's our scents." She gives me Mr.Midnight a blanket and a kunai and runs off to house and into the town with yin and yang"what just happened?" Mr.Midnight pulled the blanket smelling it and then the kunai he sat on the grass waiting for me to be prepared"oh sorry give me a minute" I rolled up the mat and leaving it in my room on (y/n)'s bed.~:meow!:~ "hold on let me put my cream on and we'll be going!" Mr.Midnight waited for me at the door I closed it behind me as we ran through the streets looking for (y/n) and the wolves. I guess the game of tag has begun.

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