So that happened

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I pushed mark as he flew slowly gaining speed on the way I follow close behind in case he falls. Mark starts to make his way around the area with a smile. We spend the rest of the day together mark has made a big improvement not only can he fly but get a good distance as well now he just needs to know how to use them in combat.
"Hey mark are you hungry? I sure am" "yes..hey! I race you to the house!" "Are you sure about that it wouldn't be fair considering I have bigger wings with more strength than you"" what are you chicken?" He started to taunt me with chicken clucks "mark you know that isn't going to change my mind" I smirked as he gave up trying to race me. I looked to see a gloomy face next to me as an idea hatched in my head I started to walk a little faster. Mark noticed my speed change as he tried to catch up once he did I walked even faster to the point where it looks like I'm jogging mark full on sprint to the house as I flew above him he looks up and smiles I grab his waist and fly straight up I toss him on my back" hold on tight" "wait why do-AHHHH!!!" I flipped backwards head first to met the earth as I make a sharp turn going up and down with great speed as the wind breaks between my wings I haven't flown this much in so long to feel free to forget all the trouble in the world to be with the one I care for the most. Tazuna's home was in my view and I didn't want the feeling to end not yet. I make a U turn as we flew upside down I turned so he doesn't fall off. I flew to what seemed to be the tallest tree I sit mark with me, " hey mark what are you planning to do when you're older" I've never really wanted to ask him this question considering he's so young and may not really know what to do yet,"well....I want to be like you...going on adventures....meeting new people...protecting those who I 7...they're really nice well the guy with duck butt hair is rather dark" I dryly laugh at his comment about sasuke. "Well being me is okay but don't forget do what makes you you only because I seem to have an amazing life having all these things coming towards me doesn't mean there isn't anything bad. Though I agree with the protecting those who you and I should really just focus on what makes you happy." I smile at him as he responds rather quickly,"Being with you makes me happy knowing that you won't let anything bad happen to me makes me feel lucky to have you as a sister"" well then you can count on me to be by your side" "and I'll be yours too (y/n)" I give a hug,"let's go I bet you're even more hungry" as if on Q our stomachs growled loudly at the same time. I jumped my way down the tree to see mark float down 'show-off' I roll my eyes at him we get close to the house as we see Kakashi waiting outside with his arms crossed," where have you two been we were worried sick wondering where the heck you are?!" "Well we took a night flight with yours truly and a one person sit on my back with little-one over here, come on Kakashi I can take care of myself and mark don't worry to much" we walked in the house as Sakura and Naruto started asking us questions as to what took us so long, what happened, and where did we go. We didn't answer any of them inari came run towards me almost knocking mark over hugging me around the waist,"(y/n) where were you why didn't you come to dinner and eat with me?!" " I was helping to train mark how fly sorry it took so long though inari" "train?" " yea I have to help my little bro over here" I grab Inaris hands and let go,"hey is there still any food left over for us?" I asked Inaris mom," yes it's on the table you guys can eat the rest if you want" "thank you" I lift mark up and walk over to the dining table,"I'll be right back you go a head and eat I'm going to change" and walked out.
Marks pov:
I grab my plate as I start to eat 'this is pretty good but I prefer (y/n)'s food' "so your (y/n)'s little brother I was expecting someone a little taller " I turned to see inari "hm? Oh! Hi there" "just to let you know (y/n) loves me more as a brother than you what does she see in your you way?" Inari says with envy in his eyes. I frown," what are you talking about? She's my sister obviously she loves me" I say, " sure you keep thinking that but think about she's going to be in my home....I might as well just steal her from you right now while I have the time" I tilt my head to what he just told me 'steal her from me? what does he mean?","I'm sorry .....what?" I questioned. I hear foot steps coming closer I'm assuming that's (y/n). "Here she comes" Inari says with a smile.
(Y/n) pov:
I walk in the room 'i thought inari was in bed' "oh hey inari I thought you went to bed already?" I questioned." I just wanted to say it's good to see you again (y/n)" as he hugged me tightly, I hugged back," okay little-man go to bed" "okay onee-chan" he walks away. I sit by mark I grabbed a plate and dug into the food. I realised mark was just staring at his food,"you okay there little-buddy?" "yea I'm am I going to sleep in the same bed room as you or...." "oh yea you're gonna be with me naruto is gonna be with sasuke and sakura is gonna be with us as well Kakashi is gonna be by himself because"I'm the adult and I have to have my privacy " he said" I say while trying to mock Kakashi's voice. "Hehehe okay well I'm stuffed let's go to bed" mark responds I grab his plate and mine as we wash the plates together we walked to bedroom and went to sleep.
Okay what ye think
Yay or nay?
Have a good life

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