Ninja Academy

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Mark pov:
I got up ''s beautiful but fudge it' (y/n) was on the floor sleeping with yin and yang. Me and Mr.Midnight are the only normal ones here. I want pancakes I went to the kitchen meeting grandpa "hey mark you're going to school today with (y/n) it's only for a couple hours so you can get used to the environment of other students." 'school? I have been talking about going to school instead so yes' "yea okay is konohamaru going to be there?""certainly"
(Y/n) finally decided to wake up and go to school with me. I put on my cream and adjusted my mask. What's everyone like? Will they like me? Yin and yang followed out the door Mr.Midnight sat on my head purring at the warmth from the sun. "Hey they're at the roof let's go" she grabbed yin and yang in each arm I held onto Mr.Midnight we flew up the building quietly behind Iruka-sensei "well that hasn't been decided yet...perhaps it's your teacher here" he points himself"ya and I turn into potato Iruka" (y/n) scared him as he laughed nervously 'please not him too' "hello Iruka-sensei""hello mark here for a lesson as well or were you guys running up the past heros for training again?""no I'm here to see what's it like to be in a class (y/n) here because she has nothing else to do""that is a lie I would be training with mistress but no I have to be here for mark"
"It's good to know you care for your brother (y/n)"
"Lord hokage"
"Oh it's the third"
"Hey! old man! what did you come to do?"
"Konohamaru don't be rude to your grandpa he's here for the same reason I'm here" (y/n) said 'reason?'
(Y/n) pov:
"I wanted to see the rock faces too""this is the real man of the third rock face! The third hokage the third was called the strongest, a genius, called "professor"amount past hokage!" Iruka introduced."wow you made him sound ancient god Iruka he ain't dead yet" I laughed as grandpa got mad at him saying it in past tense. Grandpa placed a hand on my shoulder "you might want to get your wolves (y/n)" "huh?" I looked around where did they good?! I frantically looked around "yin finally got better and she ran away with her brother.""is that them?!" A kid pointed at them running into town"!?!" "Honestly (y/n) you need to train those pups" I heard Iruka laugh"I would if they listen and if you excuse me" I clapped my hands together activating my shadow purple eyes looking around town into a shop"I got some pups to catch iruka watch my bro for couple hours please""anything for you (y/n)" I opened my wings shooting off looking for the pups that "ran" good luck mark.
Mark pov:
"She did not just ditch me again?!" I was about to fly off too"mark wait your (y/n) said to stay with me so I guess you'll have a school day with everyone" he gestured to everyone I sat in the back with Mr.Midnight on my lap a kid that look like that pineapple hair kid waved at me I waved back awkwardly ."lord hokage, you have people like that too?""yes, of course I do!""really who""I have my grandchildren...konohamaru over there mark in the back .....and (y/n) that shot off after the two pups that need training" the kids laughed lightly at my sisters failure for teaching the pups to sit at least they listen only when it's serious times."so you're that girls brother?""y-yes""that's cool she has wings and purple eyes do you have them too?""sorta I have wings but the eyes are confusing me""so are you going to be here everyday or just today?""just for today"
"Well class lets go inside it was nice see you lord hokage" he says his good bye as I was about to leave with grandpa,"mark? Where are you going you're staying with me remember""oh seriously okay" I caught up with the pineapple hair kid "what's your name?""(kids/n) and yours?""mark""cool""mark you can sit where ever you like there's an empty seat by (kids/n)" and throughout the day Iruka talked about shadow clone jutsu and asked if any of us knew how to perform it in the front. I raised my hand slowly,"oh mark you want to try okay then" I went in the front everyone was waiting for me to do it. "Shadow clone jutsu!" I made a replica of me perfectly detailed from the shoes to the hair Mr.Midnight was cloned as well."good work mark in sure most of the lessons that I've taught these kids (y/n) has already taught you and more." He smiled at me "thank you and yes she told me about the summoning of within that she'll teach me that as well""ooo interesting we'll see when you're older than" I released the jutsu walking back to my seat a couple of girls are staring at me...why?
-End of the day-
"Dude that was awesome can your sister teach me some moves too?!" (Kids/n) asks waiting by the entrance with me."I mean you can ask her if you want her she comes now. (Y/n) floats down greeting me and my new friend"hey can you teach me moves like you brother it was awesome!""well I would if I could but I would be stealing Iruka-sensei's job but feel free to ask mark for help in the future"a couple girls came up to me asking if I'll attend school everyday I looked at my (y/n)," I'm sorry no mark is going to continue his private lessons with me" my hopes are crushed no school for me I guess. The girls looked very sad that I wasn't going to attend school."bye everyone it was nice meeting you""bye!!" We flew away home reaching the door "so did you catch yin and yang?""yes I did because they came back after finishing a mission""mission?""yep mission for brother to attend one day of school and see his reaction so did you like it?""like it I love it everyone was nice Iruka made jokes and konohamaru ran out the room and came back getting yelled at""seems like you had a blast today to bad it ended""yeah can I attend school (y/n) please?!""hm........I'm sorry mark.....but no"

Naruto various x reader❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora