What would I do if I lost you?

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Once we arrived home we greeted grandpa and treated Yins wounds she has been getting better. she only has scratches now, and yang has been by her side the whole time. Mark has questioned about yin being able to talk through his head. Questioning me if I went through it I said yes I told him the story of how I met their mother and how she past away how she talked to me like yin did to mark. He asked me about yang if he will be able to talk as well in reality I didn't really know but I have faith that he will. Mark sat on his bed he seemed spaced out for some reason,"is something wrong mark?" There was a pause he rubbed his little hands together getting really nervous over something,"yea...um...what um w-what was mom like?..." I took a long sigh protesting if I should or shouldn't tell him about the whole abuse...no not yet he's not ready....I'm not ready," mark...I'll tell you when the time is right" my back faced him as I collected my clothes for the night a sniff was heard ripping the silence I tilt my head to the side seeing him cover his face with his long hair that now grown more over the days...'I should really cut it for him' "mark"he flinched hearing his name I sat down beside him rubbing his back, "mark its not that I don't want to tell you about mother it's just not the time to know who she is" his quiet cries now stopped he wiped his nose with his sleeve understanding what I said I stood up getting ready to change he grabbed my shirt from behind," can you at least tell me if she loves me?" His voice cracks at the word 'love' the tension thickened each second passing," yes she did...and I'm sure she still does" he slowly lets go falling backwards on his bed. I quickly changed in the bathroom all the clothes I once had are now foreign to me I'm willing to change the style I want it must define who I am. I think I should go shopping then, I'll ask mark if he wants to go...probably not after this adventure he may not want to be active tomorrow. I threw my clothes in the laundry basket I walked up to the bed side I lifted marks legs and tucked him in.'goodnight mark tomorrows another day' I sat down on my bed barely remembering that I have to check on yin and yang. They stayed in the living room for more comfort than the floor. I grabbed a blanket and some treats in case they're still awake. I walked down the hall, the sounding creeks as each step I took the living room was dimly lit with small scented candles yin was asleep yang watched her sleep with a small hint of guilt in his eyes. Mr.Midnight was softly purring upon yins back enjoying the soft fur she has. It seemed as though yang didn't want to sleep tonight but he has to knowing he'll be painfully slow for tomorrow training I have for him,"yang it's time to go to sleep" he didn't move he just sat there I placed my hand on his head scratching it slowly that's when I heard it.
"It's my fault"
I stood shocked....he talked....hm seemed a lot sooner than I thought.  I kept my hands in his head.
"It's not yang there was nothing you could have done"
"But it is she said she'll be okay and look what happened"
"Neither of you thought this would happen please don't blame yourself for this"
"But I do if only I was there she would at least be able to walk right now"
"But you would have been hurt as well yang things like this need to happen in life even if it's cruel...this only proves that she stayed strong. If it wasn't for her inaris mom would have been in a lot worse situation Inari could have been hurt as well. What I'm trying to say is that even if you get dropped down you only have one way to go...and that is to go up she proved her loyalty her strength her passion to stay alive to protect those in need for sure she was probably thinking of you as she fought."
" do you think so? Why? I know she can take care of herself shes stronger than me by far...but just thinking of what am I to do if I lost her what do I do then?"
"You fight... push forward and hold on tight."
He lays down beside the couch I placed the blanket on yang and grab the couch blanket on yin and Mr.Midnight I walked to my bed thinking what yang told me.
'what am I to do if I lost her what do I do then?'
Hm what would I do if I lost mark?
What Ye thing yay or nay
Have a good life BYE!!!

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