Hey Now!

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"Do you want to quit?" Tiffany asked the man in front of her.

"Yeah, I think I want to take a long break for now, I will transfer the money in your account once I got my money." Jason replied.

"But why?"

"Your relationship with your husband seems quite good now and I don't want to interfere." Jason fixing the woman's hair while holding her hands gently.

"You're beautiful."

"I already know that." Tiffany playfully said and chuckle.

"Thank you so much, I owe you big time so you don't have to repay me." Tiffany grips into his shoulder as she looks into his eyes.

"You're being a good friend to me and that's quite enough for me, Tiff." Jason smile warmly still fixing her bangs.

"Your a good friend to me too, Jason."

"It's a goodbye now." The brunette man waved.

"No, it's see you soon, Mr. Smith." They both embracing each other before Jason stepped off from her office leaving the brown envelope at her desk with the contract inside.

"Seriously, what did Taeyeon do at this hour that she didn't even bother to call me if she will pick me up?" Tiffany arched her brows as she checked her phone at the table.


"Tae Ho-yah! Daddy's here!" Taeyeon touches her son's forehead to wake him up from his slumber just to help him to eat his food and medicine.

"D-Daddy? Is that really you?" Tae Ho rubbed his eyes as he already woke up.

"Yes, I'm sorry for not visiting you the past few weeks." Taeyeon apologetically said as she engulfed the little boy on her arms.

"When did he got sick?" Taeyeon asked Jessica who standing behind her watching their cute interactions.

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