I'm Not Fine

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A/N: Since it's the release date of Taeyeon's My Voice album, well kinda work it with this chapter. We'll fly SONES <3


Tiffany recklessly drove to a night bar from the Hyatt Hotel with bleeding hand, the blood already dried but stains her dress nonetheless, she wince from the pain as she turned off the engine of her pink mini cooper S on the parking lot, not minding the people walking inside the bar, she follows their footsteps with a heavy heart, she needs a release, a thing that will loosen up her mind a bit and the strong alcohol will definitely help her.

"I need a strong one!" Tiffany ordered at the bar counter and the waiter immediately gave her what she wants, Sierra Tequila.


"No problem, need one to talk with? Young miss?" The waiter with a cute face offered as he clean some wine glass on his hand while his eyes focused on the heartbroken latter from the high stool of the counter.

"I only need some release and sorry I'm married!" Tiffany shows her finger with a diamond wedding ring and smirk at the waiter's reaction.

"Oh, such a waste. I thought I could hit on a beautiful lady tonight." The waiter compose himself from a major disappointment made Tiffany laugh.

"Sorry but I'm still fuckin' crazy love my stupid and dumb husband!" Tiffany said sarcastically.

"That guy is such a total loser for letting a beautiful wife suffers from heartache and find someone else having a fucking affair behind your back." The waiter said bluntly as he talks with a little tipsy Tiffany.

"The affair is between my husband and my ex-bestfriend if I could say such things but I knew they weren't cheating behind me, I'm just a freak because I know I have no space from my husband's heart." Tiffany said bitterly as she gulped the bitter liquid from the glass.


"I love the song." Tiffany whispered as she leans her head into the counter table, her head spins like crazy from the liquor. The waiter is worried about her that he offered to hand her smartphone so he call someone who will pick her up.

"Can you hand me your phone for awhile so I could call a cab or something."

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