바람 (Balam)

647 20 10

The sound of beeping machines could only be heard in Tiffany's ears as she watches how the doctors trying to survive to the unconscious bodies covered by blood, in front of her eyes, everything around her is like a horror or rather than a nightmare seeing Taeyeon lifelessly lying at the stretchers hovered by a female doctor, Dr. Song who had difficulties to make her back to life and only God knows who will survive or worst neither of them will not make it. Wendy and Krystal we're both also there because they received a call from Tiffany, the second daughter of Jung cried like a river seeing her dearest older sister lying with a deep cut on her forehead and pooled by her own blood as she's also reviving by another female doctor along with the other one beside, Wendy couldn't help but to stare blankly and utterly shocked from what she's witnessing in front of her innocent eyes, everything she sees we're blood, her mind caught up between sanity and insanity.

"TAETAE!!! AHHH!! PLEASE DON'T LET GO!!!" Tiffany keep on shouting while she's been holding back by the nurses whose in-charge at the situation while Krystal and Wendy stood on their ground praying silently behind the frantic woman.

"Tae~ please... c-come b-back t-to m-me... I'm s-sorry!!!" The black-haired woman tightened her hold into the nurse scrub as she wanted to at least hold Taeyeon's hand.


Straight line can be seen on the life machines attached with the bodies.

"ANDWAEEEE~" Someone shouted behind with tears in her eyes.

After all of us leave, if my spirit passes by you,
don't think even for a moment it is the wind that sways the spring boughs.
Today I will plant a flower on a corner of the shadow
where I got to know you; when the flower grows to bloom,
all the distress that stemmed from our acquaintance will turn into petals and fly away.

It will turn into petals and fly away. Though it is unbearably distant and futile,
How can we measure all the things in the world with only a small ruler?
When every now and then you turn your ears toward where the wind blows,
my beloved, don't forget even if you become tired the word of the wind that comes from faraway.

-The Word of the Wind by Mah Jonggi (1939)-


"I will arrange the funeral for her."

"Are you sure?"


"Please, take care of yourself, she will be mad at you, you know."

"I know. I want to be alone somehow for awhile."

"Okay, call me if you need anything."



Her journey ends here...

In loving memories of...


To be continued

The Battle of C.E.O.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now