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The next day Maya stretched out her limbs and rolled over in bed. She opened her eyes to find that Emily wasn't lying next to her. She pulled the covers up and looked down to find that she was still in the nude. She got up, grabbed a sheet, and wrapped it around herself.

Maya followed the the aroma of freshly brewed coffee into the kitchen. Emily was sitting at the kitchen island sipping her coffee and scrolling through her iPhone. There were four plates on the island's countertop. Each had a different breakfast food item on it.

"Hey." Maya caught Emily's attention.

"Hey,, sleepy head. I made us breakfast." She pointed to each plate. "Eggs, bacon, turkey sausage, and pancakes. Help yourself."

Emily stood up and pulled out a chair for Maya.

"Oh,Wow. Emily this all looks amazing, but um could I uh, borrow something to wear first."
Maya looked down at the sheet she was wearing and motioned toward Emily's room with her free hand, the other holding the sheet on to her body.

"Oh yeah sure. There's new underwear with tags I never wore on the top left drawer and t-shirts on the right. Um, Under that one are jogging pants and shorts. But feel free to raid my closet. Whatever you'd feel the most comfortable in. Be my guest"

"You're such a sweetheart Em" Maya walked up to the taller tan girl and kissed her on the cheek. She then walked toward the room to find something to wear.

A few moments later Maya returned to the kitchen to see an empty plate and silverware set in her place. She sat down and began to load her plate with large servings of each food item.

"Damn, you must be hungry" Emily laughed as she watched the girl shove a slice of bacon into her mouth.

"Uh huh" Maya smirked and nodded as she continued to gorge herself with food like it was the first meal she had in weeks.

"So how did you sleep? " Emily set down her phone, took another sip of coffee, and turned her full attention to the caramel-skinned beauty stuffing her face.

Maya put her finger up to finish chewing and swallowing the wad of pancakes that could hardly fit in her mouth. "Actually better than I have in a very long time. I used to wake up constantly in the middle of the night dreaming that I was back in that place. But last night I slept all the way through."

"Good. I'm so glad you feel safe here." Emily gave a warm smile.

"So what are we doing today?" Maya asked in a very upbeat manner.

Emily's eyes wondered around the room as her mind searched for an answer.
"Um, Well my girls are having a meeting to come up with some ideas for fundraisers for the swim team. Ya know, a new bus,new swimsuits,duffle bags, goggles and things. Emily rambled on with her lie.
"Oh, cool. You're still swimming?"

"Um, no. I stopped swimming competitively after I injured my shoulder. I'm actually the new girls swim coach at Rosewood High."
Emily explained to Maya as she listened intently.

"Well, that sounds awesome. When do you have to go?"

The tanned girl looked at her phone. "Oh shit, In about twenty minutes. I have to meet her.. I mean them at twelve." She stumbled over her words and hoped Maya didn't notice. "Will you be okay staying by yourself for an hour or two at the most?"

Maya swallowed her coffee, nodded yes and put down the mug to look up at Emily who was now standing.
"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Okay, Call me or text me if you need anything." Emily got up and rinsed off her dishes leaving them in the sink.
"Um, Em?"

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