Picturing The Future

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......Continued from Planning

"I didn't think I could feel any more sorry for Maya until now. She just keeps walking into bad situation after bad situation." Alison said." Hanna go talk to her."

"Why me?!" Hanna asked.

"Because out of all of us you're the closest to Maya." Alison retorted.

"Actually Emily is if you want to keep it real." Hanna responded.

"Not happening. I'm not going over to my ex and telling her who she should or should not date in front of who she's dating. That'd be super awkward." Emily eyes involuntarily wondered over to Maya's direction simply because she was topic of conversation.

Maya may have felt Emily's eyes on her because she looked back in her direction. Maya spotted the girls at the table and she smiled and waved.

All the girls smiled awkwardly and waved back.
Amy's back was was facing their way and she turned to see who Maya was greeting from afar.

Terror washed over Amy's face when she saw the girls including Reagan.
"Oh shit!" Amy exclaimed.

"What's wrong? Do you know them?" Maya asked.

"Yeah, one of them is my wife" Amy responded.

Maya's smile instantly dropped,"Excuse me?"

"No,See it's not what you think. See her in the white T-shirt." Amy nodded her head toward the group's table so she wouldn't look so ovbious.

"Yeah, Hanna's girlfriend Reagan. What about her?"

"She's my wife and we're going through a divorce." Amy said giving her most convincing heartbroken look.

"Oh, wow. I'm sorry. That sucks. Can I ask you the reason why?" Maya asked.

"That blonde sitting next to her. That's the reason why. She's leaving me for her." Amy only told part of the truth to make herself look like the victim of infidelity.

"Wow, I wonder if Hanna knows. Wait, she couldn't have known. Home wrecking is just not in her character." Maya responded.

"She knows. They all do and the one encounter I had with all of them, they weren't very nice to me." Amy looked sadly down at her hands as she fumbled with them on the tabble.

"I thought Reagan came here for the music program at Hollis and to help her cousins get their club up and running. Next thing you know I'm getting divorce papers." Amy continued to tell her deceitful story while Maya listened in attentively.

"I kept calling to ask why she wanted a divorce and to see if we could work things out. I never got a direct answer when she actually hadn't screened my calls. So I came here to get answers. That's when she told me she had fallen in love with somone else." Amy finnished and gazed Maya's reaction to see if she bought her bending of the truth.
Turns out taking theater will help her greatly during her stay in Rosewood and The Amy Show was just getting started.

"Damn, Amy I'm so sorry. No one deserves to be blind sided that way. Would you feel better if we went someplace else?"
Maya reached over the table and touched Amy's arm.

"Yeah, let's get out of here." Amy and Maya got up from the table without waiting fot the waitress to come back. Amy lowered her head as if she were afraid to come in contact with the girls while they weaved through the tables toward restaurant's exit.

"Amy wait up!" Both Maya and Amy turned around to see Reagan jogging up behind them in the the hotel lobby.

It was time to put on the davastated wife routine.

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