Love is A Battlefield

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It was 6:28 pm, almost a half-hour passed from when Reagan was meant to meet her. Hanna was sitting in her dream house. The house that she fell in love with, and Reagan made sure that it was hers until everything fell apart. Was this house still a dream or now a living nightmare full of disturbing memories? Those memories that slowly came back to her were so haunting.

She sat on the couch alone and turned to look at the kitchen. She remembered the two hooded figures coming toward her on the other side of the glass, and she closed her eyes tightly to get rid her mind from those unidentified beings that taunted her. She gave herself a mental note to have a top of the line security system installed.

She stood from the large L-shaped sectional and walked around to ease her mind. She noticed not much had changed since she had last been there, in her house. Just more pictures of the twins and Reagan's cousins, their kids. Some of those pictures replaced the ones that used to be of her and Reagan. She wondered if she just put them away or maybe even had thrown them out altogether.

She pulled her phone from her pocket and noticed the time was now 6:45. Hanna began to panic with thoughts of worry slightly. Did she change her mind? Of course, she decided to stay and make it work with the mother of her kids. What am I doing? Hanna let those poison thoughts get the better of her.

She quickly walked back over to the couch and picked up her purse and the spare key hidden in the light fixture outside. She headed to the front door about to walk out, but then she saw bright headlights beaming through the windows and the stained glass of the door.

Conflicted on whether she should continue her escape, she stood frozen in the foyer until it was too late.
The door opened in front of her, and Reagan walked in with her duffle bag on her shoulder.

"Sorry, it took longer than I thought it would." Reagan dropped the bag down next to the door and let out a long sigh of release.
She looked up and noticed that Hanna had her keys in her hand and her purse on her shoulder.
"You were about to leave?" The Latina was concerned.

"I thought you changed your mind and weren't coming," Hanna said.

"Not a chance." Reagan walked toward Hanna and slid the strap of her purse from her shoulder. She took her hand and guided her to the living room.
"Let's not doubt each other ever again, okay."

"Okay." Hanna gave Rea a soft smile and agreed as they sat next to each other on the couch. The blonde looked directly into Reagan's eyes and noticed her dark mascara was slightly smeared.

"Were you crying, Rea?" Hanna reached out and ran her thumbs along the bottom of Reagan's eyelids, wiping away some excess mascara.

"Yeah, a little," Reagan shrugged, brushing the dried tears off.

"I'm guessing the talk didn't go so well," Hanna said. She wanted to know what happened play by play but wasn't sure if it was her place to ask.

"No, Amy practically showed me every emotion she could express tonight. She screamed at me. She told me she loved me that she hated me. I never saw her that way." Reagan said.

"What happened, Rea?"

Reagan stared into space, remembering all that transpired earlier before telling Hanna her side of the story.

"Hey, Rea-Rea. Maya just came by and got the boys. She said that you told her to take them so that we could talk or something." Amy had a smile on her face when Reagan walked into her bedroom door while putting laundry away.

In Amy's mind, she thought that the news was going to be good. Maybe Reagan wanted to move in or make things between them official so that they could finally be a family. Hanna wasn't staying. She was moving back to New York. Right? Reagan wouldn't leave the boys to be with her. That's what Amy had convinced herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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