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"Can you believe it Em? In two more days I'm going to be Mrs. Alison Fields." Ali displayed a huge smile on her face as she started clearing the table after dinner for two.

"Yes, I can't wait. I don't think I've ever been more excited about something my entire life." Emily got up and helped Alison with the dishes. "It's so crazy how a little over a year ago we were in such different places." Emily said as she dried a dish after Ali washed.

"I knew we'd get here. I can't explain how, but once I stopped being afraid to be myself I knew that you were the one for me. I just had to wait for you to come back to your senses." Alison tapped Emily on the nose.

"Thank you again for being so patient with me baby. You never gave up." Emily dried the last dish and put it in the cabinet. When she turned around Alison was standing right behind her.

"I could never give up on my soulmate." Alison said and placed a soft kiss on Emily's lips.

They both went into the livingroom and cozied up on the couch only for the peace to be interrupted by chatter behind the front door. It became louder and louder until the door swung opened and and the muffled voices were now screaming. Hanna screaming.

"She had better be glad she's pregnant or I would've punched the bitch in her face! Arrrr!" Hanna grunted.

"Calm down Hanna. Only a few more months and the worst will be over" Reagan tried to calm Hanna down as she followed her into the livingroom and she flopped down on the other couch.

"What happend now?" Alison asked her clearly aggitated friend.

"Fucking Amy and her mood swings, which I don't think are really mood swings. She hates me and it's just and excuse to say what ever she wants to me." Hanna said.

"Well, what did she say?" Emily asked.

"What did she not say? When they did the ultrasound  she told me to get out because I made her uncomfortable. Yet, she waa comfortable enough to say that. Then, after that she acted like I wasn't there and told Reagan when the babies are born and on her days to have them I am not to be alone with them. Oh and apparently she knows my type. I'm gay for now and next year I'll be straight again so Reagan shouldn't marry me and make me a big part of the kid's life because she doesn't want "strange women" in and out of the babies's lives. There was more, but that's just all I can fucking remember. " Hanna said.

"Well, Hanna none of it is true so you shouldn't let what she says get to you. That's what she wants." Reagan responded.

"I say punch her after she has the babies." Emily chimed in.

"No, nobody's punching anyone." Alison said. " Hanna you know Rea is going to let you be great big part of the babies's lives. It doesn't matter what Amy says.We all know you'll be a much better influence anyway.

"I know guys. It's just. She just pisses me of so bad."

"She pisses me off too Han. But we are in this together." Reagan said outloud and then leaned in and whispered. "Remember our plan? You will be their mother." Reagan smile and kissed Hanna on the cheek. Hanna inhaled and nodded.

"Today was the day to see the babies's genders right? What are you having?" Emily asked.

"Two boys!" Reagan seemed super excited about it.

"Awesome!" Emily and Reagan high fived.

"Our house is going to be a fucking pig sty." Hanna laughed.
It's going to be like having 3 little boys. Toys everywhere because Reagan is going to spoil them like crazy. I can see it already."

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