The Big Day

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"Emmy! It's time to get up." Pam pushed the door open to Emily's childhood room. She walked over to the window and pulled her curtains back letting the bright sun illuminate her gloomy room.

"Mom!" Emily rolled over and squinted as her eyes tried to adjust to the brightness.

"Spencer is on her way in the town car so we'll ride to the temple together. I have your bag all packed. Ashley is doing your hair and makeup there. You just need to shower." Pam said to Emily as she walked out of her room. "Oh and there's breakfast waiting for you when you're ready." Pam desended down the stairs.

Emily groaned and sat up rubbing her eyes. Then she smiled to herself realizing that in a few hours she was going to be a married woman.

Emily finally tore herself from her bed and shuffled her feet down the hall to the bathroom. Emily hopped in the shower and brushed her teeth. She just threw on a sharks track suit and put her hair in a ponytail. When she got downstairs Spencer was sitting at the dinning table with her mom drinking coffee and talking.
The vibe was so calm and happy. It felt like christmas morning and Emily couldn't help the huge smile that graced her face.

"Well you look super happy. That's a great sign." Spencer observed and smiled back.

"I am. I can't even describe this feeling. I'm just so excited and I can't wait to walk down the ailse and see Ali in her dress." Emily said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"You're not eating breakfast Emmy?" Pam asked.

"No mom. I'll just have toast. I don't wanna stand at the altar paranoid that I look bloated." Emily responded. I'll just pig out at the reception when everyone is drunk and wont notice." Emily joked and Pam rolled her eyes.

Emily's phone chimed in her pocket. She took it out to read a text she had just recieved.

Ali: Can't wait to be standing in front of you saying our I dos. I love you baby. See you soon. I'll be the girl in white.😘👰

Emily started cheesing really hard. She texted back.

Emily:  I love you so much baby. I woke up so excited. I  can't wait for us to spend the rest of our lives together. See you in a few babe. I'll be that other girl in white. 😘😘❤

Emily put her phone back in her pocket and looked up. Her mom and Spencer were staring at her.

"Whaaat?" Emily smiled.

"That was Ali wasn't it?" Spencer asked.

"Of course. Who else would it be?" Emily responded.

"You two are so adorable."
Pam said. "I can't wait for those adorable grandchildren you two are going to give me."

"Whoa mom. Let's get me married first." Emily reached down and picked up her bag that her mom packed for her. It had her white bridal bra and panty set in it and her garter. Also her make up and hair products.

"Okay okay just don't keep me waiting too long."Pam laughed.

"We wont mom." Emily rolled her eyes.

"You guys ready?" Spencer asked and Pam grabbed her garment bag with what she was wearing.
Pam and Emily looked around to make sure they weren't forgetting anything.

"You have your vows?" Spencer asked.

"Yup, right here." Emily tapped the side of her head with her finger.

"Oh lord." Pam said.

"Well, this oughta be good." Spencer laughed.

They left out, getting into the town car, and made their way to the temple.

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