Maya Meets the Mixologist

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Alison opened her eyes to see that the room was now dark only to be illuminated by the moonlight that peeked through the blinds. She smiled when she felt Emily strong arms wrapped around her. She glanced over at the alarm clock on the nightstand. The clock read 12:17. "Wow we've been sleeping that long?" Alison thought to herself. She turned around onto her other side to face Emily. She smirked as she watched her sleeping. She looked so cute and peaceful.
She placed a soft kiss on Emily's lips. She heard a chirping noise and sat up looking around to see where it was coming from. She looked behind Emily and saw it was her phone that was faced down on the bedside table beside her. Alison reached over the sleeping girl being careful not to wake her. She picked up the phone and saw previews of texts from Maya.
The feeling of jealousy washed over her as she read them:

Maya: Hey baby. Where are you?
11:22 pm

Maya: Can't sleep because I'm missing you so much.
Call or text so I know you're okay. 😘
11:40 pm

Alison finished reading the text and saw notifications that Maya had also called twice. Her night of bliss with Emily had ended and now she got pushed back full force into reality. Is she strong enough to handle this unconvetional relationship?

She eased out of bed and sat Emily's phone back down where she had got it from.
She quietly pulled on her yoga pants and tank top she retrieved from the floor. She walked out of her room and went down stairs. The blonde girl grabbed a cold bottle of water out of the fridge. She sat at her kitchen island and pulled open her laptop.
Ali then went ahead and e-mailed the girl from the roommate site that stood out the most to her. She gave her phone number and told her to call if she'd be willing to meet the next afternoon. Since it was too late to call her. She was just keeping her self busy to keep her mind off of things.

Emily started to stir. She lifted her head and opened her eyes noticing she was in the middle of the bed and Alison was nowhere in the room. She rolled over to her back and rolled her eyes. She then picked up her phone from the bedside table and saw that she had missed calls and texts.
The exotic beauty quickly texted back.

Emily: Hey My, Sorry. Should have called. Im okay just out with friends. I drank a little too much so going to stay the nigh at Hanna's. Miss you too babe.😘
12:42 am

She pressed send and instantly regretted it. She felt disappointed in herself that lying was gradually starting to become natural to her. She set her phone on the bed and searched the floor for her clothes. She settled for her bra and boy shorts and made her way downstairs looking for Ali.

Alison heard Emily galloping down the stairs, but stayed focused on her computer screen.
"Hey beautiful." Emily walked up behind the blonde beauty and wraped her arms around her waist. Shr noticed that her body tensed up from her touch. "Are you okay?" Emily tilt her head to see the side of Ali's face.
"Im fine." Alison continued to scroll down her facebook page.
"You forget a I know you inside and out. Now what's wrong?" Emily sat in the chair next to her and scooted closer.
" Your phone was going off so I went to silence it." Emily sensed the attitude in Alison's voice and she knew exactly why.
"Oh, look I'm sorry and I know you want me all to-" Alison stopped Emily mid sentence.
"So she's living with you?"
Alison finally turned to look the half naked swim coach straight in her eyes.
"Yeah, she was living in a shelter. I'm just helping her get on her feet. She already has a job. She'll move when she saves enough." Emily responded.
"It's okay, I understand. She's been through alot. It's in you to help and be there for people you care about. I suppose fucking her is helping her too."

Emily was flustered and didn't know what to say yo that. "Uh, What?, No." was all Emily could manage to spit out.
"You just can't control yourself huh?"
"I can too control myself .You should know of all people that sometimes emotions take over and things just happen." Emily was starting to get annoyed. "Look Ali, we've had this conversation just yesterday. If it's too hard for you we should just take all of these extra feelings off the table and go back to just being friends!" The volume of Emily's voice slightly raised.
"I don't, I don't want that!" Ali nearly screamed back and shook her head.
"Neither do I." Emily leaned in and kissed Alison on her head. "Now are we okay?"

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