Trust Issues

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It was Saturday early afternoon. Spencer, Hanna, and Alison were already at the Radley waiting for Emily to join them for brunch. She was held up at the highschool coaching swim practice.
Maya was working the morning shift that day. She kept glancing over at the girl's table. Fortunately, they weren't in Maya's section. Oh, how awkward would that be.

"Why does she keep looking over here?" Alison noticed the waitress's constant quick glances at her.

"Maybe she wants to come say hi, but thinks it'll be weird." Hanna said. She looked at Maya, smiled and waved.

"Don't wave at her"Ali said through her teeth. "Shit,now she's coming over here." Ali rolled her eyes and quickly took a few big swallows of her mimosa.

Maya walked over to the table and side hugged Hanna.
"Hi, Hanna. I love your dress.Hey girls." Maya smiled.
"Hello. Hi." Spencer and Alison cordially greeted her back sporting the fakest smiles ever.

"Hope you guys are enjoying your meal. I just came over to say hi. See ya around."

"See you, Maya." Hanna was the only one who spoke back. The other to girls just smiled and nodded.

"Well, that was awkward." Spencer said after Maya was out of earshot.
Alison saw Emily walking in and waved her down so she could see where they were seated. Emily nodded in confirmation that she had saw her, but was encountered by Maya.

"Hi, Em. I was wondering if you'd be joining your friends." Maya leaned in and hugged Emily.
The tall girl reluctantly hugged back seeing that her girlfriend was looking on.

"Yep, I ran a practice today. I got here as soon as I could. So how do you like staying here at the Radley?" Emily asked Maya and noticed Alison glaring at her, but patiently waited for Maya's response.

"It's great. I get discounted room service, access to the gym and pool 24/7. They take so much out of my check a week and I still have enough to put aside for a car and to move. Not that I want to anytime soon." Maya gushed about her new living arangments.

"That's sounds great Maya. I'm happy everything's working out for you." Emily smiled genuinely.

"Well, I hope we can hang out, and uh, catch up one day soon. I have to get back to work so I'll give you a call later. I'll let you get to your friends." Maya touched Emily on the shoulder, smiled and walked back into the kitchen to get an order for one of the tables in her section.

Emily walked over to the table to join her friends. Spencer and Alison both were giving her death stares.

"What was that all about?" Spencer,loyal til the end had Alison's back.

"What was that all about?" Spencer,loyal til the end had Alison's back

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"Nothing. So you both can stop burning holes into me with your eyes. I was just asking how she was and she suggested we hang out sometime." Emily picked up a menu to look over.

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