All of Me

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It was the last call for alcohol and Reagan started to pack up her Dj equipment. She had this an important night and morning planned ahead for Hanna. For the both of them. She told Hanna she shouldn't drink too much because she wanted her girlfriend alert for later. Hanna listened and actually took Reagan's words in mind. She had a few drinks and then the rest of the night drank water.

Hanna loved the way Reagan suggested things to her instead of telling her what to do like Caleb used to. He would try to control and change her, but Reagan wouldn't want Hanna to be any other way but herself.

People started exiting the club. The strobe lights stopped and the dimlights brightened. Reagan started pushing her equipment on a cart to the back office so she could lock it all up for safety.

Her cousin Karen was at her desk with a calculator and stacks of money.

"Hey cuz, Me and Hanna are heading out." Reagan pushed her dj equipment into a corner. Karen lifted her head and tossed Reagan a set of keys.

"Make sure you guys clean up after yourselves and have fun Rea." Karen winked and smiled at her younger cousin.

"I most definatley will." Reagan left out and closed the door behind her and when she turn to walk away she saw Hanna down the hall leaning on the wall.

Reagan walked up slowly while she marveled in her beautiful girlfriend's figure from behind. She looked from Hanna's 5 inch heels up to her accentuated calves,the curve of her hips, and her round ass. Reagan smiled to herself thinking about how she couldn't wait to take that tight dress off of Hanna.

She got close behind the blonde and put her hands on her hips. Reagan kissed Hanna's neck.
Hanna closed her eyes and smiled.

"You better stop before my girfriend beats your ass." Hanna said as she turned around and put her arms around Reagan's neck.

"The beating would be soooo worth it." Reagan kissed Hanna and spoke into her lips. Hanna giggled when Reagan broke the kiss. "Are you ready?"

"I don't know what for, but yeah I'm ready. The girls already left and I was waiting for you." Hanna said looking down at Reagan, the heels making her about 4 inches taller.

"You'll see soon enough." Reagan led Hanna out of the club. They got into the car and drove away.

About 15 minutes later the started driving down this dark road and Hanna was staring out of the window as she usually does when Reagan takes her to one of her many surprises. She always looked for a clue.
The dark road started to look familiar to Hanna especially when they passed old wooden sign that said Southfield Camping Grounds.

"Are we going camping? Like, sleep outside, all night in the woods camping?" Reagan laughed when she heard the worry in Hanna's voice.

"Why,would you want to go camping and sleep outside in the woods?" Reagan glanced over at Hanna and back on to the dirt road.

"Um, i-if that's what you want to do. I-I mean.." Hanna was begining to start rambling and Reagan stopped her.

"Babe, don't worry. Where we're going has running water and a roof." Reagan said and Hanna took a sigh of relief.

"Good, because these heels are expensive and I don't want to ruin them by getting all muddy."Hanna said and Reagan shook her head.

"You're such a girl."

"Whatever, you love it."

They pulled up infront of a wooden cabin. Hanna smiled and remembered Reagan talking about her family's cabin and how she'd bring her there one day.

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