Lovers or Friends

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[3 Weeks Later]

As the days went by in Emily's apartment you could cut the tension with a knife. Maya only came home to change clothes and shower. She and Emily tiptoed around one another like they were roommates who were once strangers, who had met from Craigslist. They hardly spoke and when they did it was empty small talk, avoiding their true feelings.

Maya felt defeated. She felt Emily had chosen Alison over her. She was trying to push her romatic feelings down for Emily and try to make it work with Jeni who treated her like a princess But she really love Jeni, or just the idea of her?

Emily felt as tho Maya gave up on her, but she had every right to. How long did she expect Maya to allow her to string her along. Emily wanted to break the silence and make things right. Even though she wasn't sure if she was in love with Maya she knew she loved her and wanted her in her life. She couldn't lose her again.

Maya walked passed Emily yo her room.
"Hey." She said to keep things cordial. Maya left her door open and packed a bag including her work uniform to head back to Jeni house.

"My?" Emily stood in the door frame watchibg Maya pack.
"Yeah" Maya answered as she walked around her room grabbing things she needed and not once making eye contact with the tan girl standing in her doorway.

"I just wanted to say I was sorry...For everything." Emily said sincerely.

"It's okay Emily. It was stupid of me to think I could come back to you after four years and start back from where we left off. We're two different people now." Maya finally stopped what she was doing to give Emily her full attention.

"No, don't say that. You're not stupid. I would've did the same thing."Emily crossed the threshold and walked into Maya's room.

"Yeah, I'm sure you would have, just not for me." Maya nodded her head down. Emily got closer to her and lifted Maya's chin.
"Yes, for you. You were the first person to ever show me how to love, how I was supposed to be loved.
They stared into each others eyes Emily started to slowly move in softly pressing her lips against Maya's and slightly moved back searching for reluctance in Maya's eyes. She jusr stood there and Emily kissed her once again passionately, bringing her hands to Maya's hips pulling her into her.
Maya wraped her arms around Emily's neck giving into her, allowing her to be backed up towards bed.
Emily gently laid Maya on the bed straddling her as they continued to kiss, wrestling their tongues against one anothers. Emily leaned back to take of her t-shirt and laid back down ontop of Maya to continue, but was stopped by Maya's hands pushing her away.

"Emily, we can't." Maya sat up in the bed and grabbed Emily's shirt next to her and threw it at her.
"What, Why?" Emily got off of the bed holding her shirt in her hand.

"I can't keep doing this to Myself. I've been seeing my psychologist and she told me I need to remove myself from this situation."
"What situation? What the hell are you talking about Maya?"Emily felt as though Maya was hinting around calling her some type of prededitor.

" You're usinf my vulnerability to suit you're own needs?"

"What, Maya. I would never do that to you? You know I would never make you do anything you don't want to. Look I'm soory if I made you feel that way." Emily pulled on her shirt and sat down on the bed shaking her head in shame.
"I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt my on purpose Em, I know you're battling emotions yourself, but I still have to go....For both of us and our friendship" Maya pulled Emily's hand in her lap.

For both of us and our friendship" Maya pulled Emily's hand in her lap

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