I'd Still Be Me

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[Hanna's Place]

Hanna and Reagan were getting ready for the dreaded dinner with Hanna's dad and stepmother.
Over the phone when Hanna told her dad that she wanted him to meet her girlfriend for one of their every-blue-moon dinners he was neither approving or disapproving over the phone. She figured he just didn't care like most every other aspect of her life.

"Do we have to, today." Reagan asked while putting on one of Hanna's dresses that she was clearly not keen on wearing.

"Yes,it's just a few hours. You'll be okay." Hanna smirked when Reagan turned around to her. She was pouting with her arms folded.

Reagan hit the skirt of the dress.
"This is so not me. I thought you wanted your dad to meet me, not this cookie cutter version of me."

"Babe, You know what? You're right. Wear what you want, but make sure its like, Country Club appropriate. No ripped stockings, jeans, or leather jackets." Hanna said as she put on her bracelet and earrings, closing her jewlery box.

Reagan rolled her eyes and went to her side if the closet in Hanna's bedroom which started accumulating more and more clothes over the past few months. Reagan pulled out a nice pair of brown dress slacks and a silky tan blouse, and paired it with brown and tan booties.
She buttoned up the blouse leaving two buttons unfastened showing a tasteful amount of cleavage. She put her long dark hair into a ponytail with a new retro hump at the top. Reagan put two gold studded earrings in her ears and walked out of the bedroom up to the living room to find Hanna sitting on the couch waiting.

"Damn, Rea. You look... So good." Hanna stood and eyed her girlfriend from head to toe.

"Thanks.You look beautiful as always babe." Reagan stepped forward and gave Hanna a peck on the lips.

"Ready?" Hanna asked as she stepped to the door.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Reagan opened the door for Hanna and locked up behind her.

Hanna pulled her silver Mercedes up to the vallet at the Country Club. Two young men in red vests opened both car doors for the girls. Hanna handed over her keys and got a ticket in return. Reagan took her hand as they walked through the doors and over to the restaurant area.
Hanna and Reagan approached the podium where a young, teenage hostess stood behind.

"Good evening ladies. Welcome to Rosewood Country Club. Table for two?"

"Hi, we're guests of Tom Marin." Hanna responded.

The girl looked down at a list. "Um, Oh yes. Table 27. Follow me please." The girl lead them to the table and Reagan's hands got clammy as her nerves were starting to get to her.

The girls finally approached the table and Tom stood smiling at his daughter.

"Hi daddy." Hanna smiled and hugged her father while Reagan stood behind glancing at the other two women sitting at the table.
"This is my girlfriend,Reagan. Reagan, My dad Tom."

Hanna introduced the two and Reagan wiped her hand on her slacks and shook Mr.Marin's hand.
"Nice to meet you sir." Reagan smiled and looked back over to the other women at the table.
Hanna introduced them with less enthusiasm.

"That's my stepmother Isabel and stepsister Kate." Reagan walked around and shook their hands also with a genuine smile even tho both women didn't even bother to stand.
They sat down at the table and Hanna's father began to speak.
"So, how have you been Hanna? How's your little clothing store going?" Tom asked.

Hanna seemed a little put off by the way her father belittled her business.
"Actually really well. I have two boutiques open now and my designs are being sold in over 20 retail stores." Hanna said with pride.

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