Reformed and Revealed

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"They're here!" An excited Reagan ran out to the waiting room still in scrubs to see that Alison, Emily, and Spencer had also come to the hospital to welcome the babies into the world.

Everyone smiled and congratulated the new mommy that exuded happiness.

"Can uh, Can I see them?" Hanna hesitated but asked anyway. Everyone tensed up when Reagan looked up at Hanna and didn't respond right away.

"Yeah, of course only two more people at a time. Maya, Amy wants you in there too." Reagan spoke trying to make her sadness and disappointment in the two undetected. She failed.

"Okay." Maya gave a faint smile as she followed the brunette through the double doors.

"Is it me or was the tension in the air so thick you'd need a freakin' chainsaw to cut through it?" Spencer said following a chuckle.

"Nope, It was that thick." Emily plopped back down in her chair.

"I really hope that they can all get through this and create a united, loving atmosphere for the babies," Alison added.

"Me too." Aria sighed before walking over and sitting next to Spencer.
Alison and Emilys eyes shifted to the two brunettes as they got closer to one another. The married couple shared a look.

When they entered the room Amy was laying in bed holding one of the newborn baby boys. Her hair was drenched in sweat as it stuck to the sides of her face. She seemed so exhausted and happy at the same time. The other baby was swaddled in a bassinet nearby.
Reagan went to him and gently picked him up cradling his head while rocking back and forth as the little one cooed.

"Oh my god they're so cute and tiny," Hanna said as she watched in awe how comfortable Reagan was with her new son.

"Yeah, they are. What are the names? Did you name them yet?" Maya asked excitedly.

"I don't even know their names yet but apparently Amy had them picked out for months. So go ahead, Amy. What are our baby boy's names?" Reagan asked as she sat on the bed with the cooing baby cradled in her arms.

Amy looked down at baby A in her arms and smiled before looking adoringly over to baby B.

"This little one here name is Rayden Antonio Martinez and the little guy that Reagan is holding is named Raynor Amelio Martinez." Amy smiled at the babies and then up at Reagan who looked like she was almost about to cry.

"You named them both after me. They have my initials and they have Spanish middle names." Reagan so was elated.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Amy said looking Reagan into her eyes. Seemed like she had forgotten that Hanna and Maya were still in the room.
Hanna noticed the loving look she gave her fiancee' and she did not like it one bit. She didn't care for the scene in front of her either. They looked like such a family and now she wasn't sure where she'd fit in to all this.
A fire of anger and jealousy ignited in the pit of Hanna's stomach.

She tried to subtly breathe through it to make it go away but she just couldn't. Hanna had to leave the room and she did just that without a word.
Reagan looked up and notice Hanna had left.

"Hey, Maya. Do you want to hold him?" Reagan asked just to keep up pretenses for Amy. She couldn't find out about what may have happened between her girlfriend and Reagan's own fiancee' on the day she gave birth. This was her day to be a happy, new mommy. She didn't need any stress.

Maya nodded and went over to Reagan and carefully took the fragile, little bundle from her.

Reagan left the room to go find Hanna. She knows that they needed to talk but she didn't want to have a serious talk in the hospital.

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