All Left Is Hope

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Emily brought Hanna home a few hours later. The overwhelmed fashion designer's eyes were red and puffy from all the on and off again crying. All the positive pep talks she was receiving from Alison and Emily worked for the moment. Briefly, letting their words soak into her brain she'd feel certain that after all, she could still get her happy ending. Just briefly, and soon after the waterworks started again when she pictured the indescribable hurt that was displayed on Reagan's face when she saw those pictures. All she could think about through their words was if Reagan would come back to her.

As they drove to through the parking lot she looked at the parked cars in the spaces outside her condo entrance. She hoped that maybe Reagan had changed her mind about leaving and was still at home waiting to talk. Her car was nowhere in sight. Hanna lowered her head and looked at her hand that was placed on her lap. Her beautiful engagement ring caught her eye.
She raised her head and looked over at her closest friend.

"Em, what if she never comes back?" Hanna's voice shook.

Emily reached over to the passenger's side and took Hanna's hand.
"Don't think that way, Han. She has to know deep down how much you love her. She'll be back and you'll finally move into that big, gorgeous house of yours. You'll be an amazing stepmom and get married to the love of your life. Just give her a little time and you need to figure out what all happened that day." Emily tried her best to reassure her friend.

"I really hope you're right," Hanna said before getting out of the car. She closed the car door and gave Emily a weak smile through the window before walking up to her front door. She entered not knowing what she'd encounter on the other side.

She wondered if Reagan would have taken most of her things or just enough clothes to get by for a few days. Hanna slowly pushed opened the door and began to walk in. She looked around the living room first. Reagan's extensive DVD and blue ray collection were still intact on the racks next to the entertainment center. With seeing that her body grew just a tad bit less tense. She knew that Reagan wouldn't leave without the precious movies that she's been collecting since she was a child. Movies was one of the many things she and Hanna bonded over when they first started dating.

Hanna moved further into the condo and looked in the office they shared. Reagan's laptop nor were her books on her desk. Hanna told herself that the college student may have needed to study for an upcoming test. The last room Hanna was most reluctant to look into was the bedroom they shared together. More specifically the closet. Hanna walked into her master bedroom. She tossed her purse and coat on the bed. She slowly walked toward the sliding door closet and reached out to open the side Reagan's clothes occupied.

Hanna let out a sigh of relief when she saw that most of her clothing was still there.
She changed into her loungewear not feeling up to going any place else for the day, not with this weighing on her mind. Wasn't like she could do anything to forget either. There were too many things in her house that were a reminder.

Once Hanna changed into one of Reagan's V-neck t-shirts and a pair of her shorts that still had the smell of her perfume on it, she clicked on the tv an lie down on the king bed. She flicked through the channels trying to find a temporary distraction.

Suddenly the doorbell started to ring annoyingly again and again.
"I'm coming!" Hanna screamed out as she made her way to her front door.

She opened to see a short tan woman with a designer bag hanging from her wrist and leaning on the doorframe with a cocky smirk.

"Mona," Hanna stated when she saw the woman.

"The one and only." She gave a chipper response and entered the place without an invite.

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