This Never Happened

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"Turn around," Hanna said to Maya as she pulled the sheet with her when she got out of the bed. With her, a glass bottle fell to the floor. Hanna clasped in the sheet around her as she bent down to pick up the half-full bottle of vodka at her feet.
"This doesn't make any sense. I would never drink this cheap shit" Hanna frowned while she studied the bottle and dropped back down on the floor. She looked through the scattered clothes on the floor, finding ones that were familiar to her put and put them on. She dug in her pocket for her phone and luckily it was there. Hanna pulled it out to see that it was 1 am, a day later than she thought it was. Hanna shook her head even more confused than she was a few minutes earlier.

"How could I lose a whole day?" Hanna mumbled to herself, but Maya heard her and stood up, turning to face Hanna who was now dressed and standing at the foot of the bed.

"What do you mean a whole day? What is today? " Maya asked.

"It's Sunday. Sunday morning Saturday night." Hanna responded.

"Sunday? So we missed the baby shower." Maya stated putting on her clothes and when she turned sideways Hanna couldn't help but stare at the thick scares on Maya's back. Soon as she made eye contact with Hanna, the blonde looked away, but Maya chose not to acknowledge it because that meant once again she had to explain it. She quickly pulled her shirt down onto her.

Hanna shook her head to regain her thoughts, "I uh, don't know. I remembered us talking about surprising Reagan and Amy with the nurseries, and I was supposed to meet the delivery guys do the one here tomorro... Well, I mean earlier today." Hanna snapped her fingers like something just came to mind. She left the master bedroom and quickly walked down the hallway. Maya followed closely behind her. Hanna stopped in the doorway of the baby's room to see that everything was in there. The cribs and changing table. The dressers for their clothes and all the babies little clothes in the closet on little hangers.

"What the fuck?!" So I set up the nursery? But when? This doesn't make any sense." Hanna pulled out her phone and started scrolling through her messages.
She saw she texted Maya earlier and that they did plan on coming to the house and that she told Reagan that she was at one of the stores and her phone died.
She started to wonder if she was lying to Reagan and if so why would she? Maybe to not ruin the surprise. That made sense, Hanna answered her question she had asked in her mind.

Maya stared at Hanna seeing her eyes moving back and forth, the wheels were turning in her head.
"Did you figure out anything? " Maya asked.

"I texted Reagan an hour ago. I told her I was at my store and my phone died. She texted back saying she was worried. I guess I was gone for a while. Check your phone. See if you had any texts and who you came into contact with all day." Hanna told Maya and she started to pat down her body and digging in her pockets for her phone. She couldn't find it so she crouched down on the floor and looked next to the bed and under the bed. Still wasn't there.

"Can you call my phone? I can't find it." Maya asked Hanna as she stood back up. Hanna nodded and complied scrolling through her phone immediately.

They heard a ringing from downstairs and they both followed the sound to Maya's purse sitting on the kitchen counter. Maya unzipped her purse, got out her phone, and started to scroll and tap it hoping to find any clue that happened within the unaccounted time.
She saw that she was supposed to meet Jeni and never did. Multiple missed calls and texts from her and also a few texts from Amy asking her to pick up some Ben and Jerry's ice cream on the way home from work.
That made sense to her, to lie to Amy about working while she went to see Jeni, but how did she end up in bed half-naked with Hanna was still the million-dollar question neither one of them could answer.

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