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3 months later, after Emily and Alison's nuptials Reagan and Hanna were taking Amy to yet another obgyn apontment. Amy was now 7 months along and for those last 3 months Hanna tried her best to stay clear of Amy.

Today the check up was quite weird. Well, Amy was. All 3 women sat in silence in the waiting room of the doctors office waiting for Amy to be called.

Amy glanced over at Hanna flipping through a magazine. She noticed the large diamond ring on the ring finger of her left hand.
Amy blinked and looked again seeing the the beams off light dance of the diamond's cuts.

"So you uh, you guys got engaged?" Amy asked.

Hanna slowly looked up from her magazine then over at Reagan. She thought Reagan told Amy the news already. Obviously she didn't. Hanna sighed awaiting the backlash of leaving Amy out of the loop.
"Let the drama begin." Hanna thought to herself.

"Um, yeah. I meant to tell you, but life just got in the way." Reagan responded.

"It's okay. I understand. Congratulations." Amy gave a warm smile.

Hanna and Reagan looked at each other wondering why the screaming hadn't started. Throughout Amy's pregnancy was a flow of sarcasm and snarky comments,  and arguments about Reagan and Hanna's relationship. This time she said nothing bad.

"Uh.. Thank you Amy."
Hanna let out a sigh of relief and continued flipping through her magazine.

"Amy Raudenfeld!" A nurse called out in the waiting room. Reagan helped Amy up from her chair and they started toward the door. Amy stopped and looked back at Hanna who was still seated and starting to flip through a new magazine she had just picked up.

"Hanna, are you coming?"
Amy asked.

Hanna's mouth slightly opened in awe.

"You want me to?... T-To go back there... With you?" Hanna stuttered in reaction of being surprised.

"Yeah, come on." Amy said and Hanna closed her magazine and followed them in.

They made it to the examination room that the nurse guided them to. Hanna sat in a chair in a corner. She looked around the room at all the posters at charts of the uterus and stages of pregnancy.

"Ms. Raundenfeld you can make yourself comfortable on the exam table and the doctor will be in with you shortly." The nurse said with a smile as she left out of the room closing the door behind her.

"So Amy, how does it feel to be pregnant with twins?" Hanna asked.

"Well, I feel tired half the day every day. I feel fat. I used to love coffee now just the smell of it makes me nauseated. Sometimes they kick me out of my sleep, other than that it's great." Amy said sarcastically.

"Well, you make it sound, um sound so not convincing." Hanna laughed.

Reagan went and sat on the arm of the chair Hanna was sitting it.

"Hey! Don't scare her. You only have two more months and next thing you know we'll be holding the two little guys. I can't wait!" Reagan said excitedly.

"I can't either." Amy smiled. "And Hanna I'm really sorry about the way I've been treating you the last few months. I know you're going to be around alot and it's important we all form a united front for the babies." Amy actually sounded sincere without a hint mischievousness.

"Thank you for saying that Amy. I totally agree and I want you to know that I'm going to love them and treat them like they were my own."

"I know Hanna." Amy said.
Reagan just smiled happy to see the the woman of her past and the mother of her children was finally getting along with her future wife.

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