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There was nothing but a tree between Ali, Emily and Spencer and her mystery make out buddy.
Emily moved a branch down on the tree and gasped when she was able to focus in on the guy's face and boy was it a shock.

Emily moved a branch down on the tree and gasped when she was able to focus in on the guy's face and boy was it a shock

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"Is that? No way!"Alison said.

"Yeah, thats definitely Caleb." Emily responded.

"No wonder why Spencer's been so secretive lately. She's been fucking Hanna's ex." Ali said.

"Last I checked that was so against against girl code. I don't know what I'm more pissed about. Her interrupting our night or her being a slut." Emily let the branch go and turned around.

"What the hell was that?" Spencer stopped making out with Caleb and turned her head to the direction of the noise.

"I don't hear anything." Caleb dived back into Spencer's lips.

"No, seriously. There's someone out there." Spencer pushed him off and got up.

When Alison and Emily heard her they started to quickly walk away back to where they came from.
Spencer and Caleb took their phones out and turned on there flashlights when they heard the fast paced footsteps and the rustling of branches. They tracked the sound and started to sprint towards it.

" Were you enjoying the show perves!" Spencer yelled out. When the backs of two figures were finally in sight, but kept walking.

" Hey, Stop!" Caleb yelled.

Emily and Alison stopped in their tracks with their backs still turned. They slowly turned around to face the moral traitors.
Spencer and Caleb's faces went ghostly pale.

"Oh Shit."Spencer said went she realized after all these months of being careful and covering her tracks she was finally caught. She had gotten too laxed.

"Yeah, Oh shit is right. What the hell are you two thinking?" Alison said.

"I don't know I guess we weren't thinking at all at first before things went to far. Just please don't tell Hanna." Spencer pleaded.

"No, tell her. She's out there lezzin' it up. I doubt she cares that me and Spencer are back together." Caleb said his words full of resentment towards Hanna for finding happiness with a woman after leaving him.

"What? So this isn't just sex? You're together?" Emily asked.

"Spence, you're smarter than that. He's a cheater." Alison said.

"People can change. Look at Emily. She's not two timing anymore." Spencer responded

"Hey, Standing right here!" Caleb interrupted.

"And so am I" Emily raised her hand and rolled her eyes.

"Look, I'm not to cheat on Spencer. I love Spencer." Caleb confessed.

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