Cat's Out Of Bag

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The next day Emily and Alison awoke earlier than they normally would on a Sunday to meet their friends at The Radley. This had become routine for the girls to meet on the weekends over the last 2 years. They spoke again about the disturbing pictures they had received the night before. Emily just couldn't shake the images out of her head. Alison stood her ground about not getting involved in any way at all, but Emily wanted to pull Hanna aside and ask her what the hell was going on. Alison tried to talk her out of it but gave up knowing that Emily was stubborn and headstrong. Once the swim coach put her mind to something, there was no stopping her.

At 11:30 am, Emily and Alison arrived at the hotel restaurant and told the hostess they needed a table large enough to seat a party of 5. For the first time in a long time, Emily was one of the first in the group to arrive. Punctual Alison was rubbing off on her wife in more ways than one. Alison just wished that letting things go and only getting involved when asked would be one of the traits Emily gained from her. But that wasn't the case and probably never will be.

"Wow, I'm surprised Spencer isn't here already on her second mimosa, bitching about us being late even when we're right on time. That's a first." Emily said as she took off her jacket and hung in on the back of her seat.

"Yeah, weird. I thought I saw her car in the parking lot." Alison told what she had observed on the way in.

"Well, maybe she's working on a case her car. Who knows? Has either Hanna or Reagan since Hanna went M.I.A. last night? After those pics?" Emily asked thinking about what it will be like when Reagan and Hanna arrived. Will Hanna be coming alone? Would they come together poorly trying to hide the tension if Reagan found out or seeing those pictures?

"No. All I know is that Hanna finally contacted Reagan and was heading home. I'm sure Reagan would've called us in a panic if she hadn't." Alison said while looking through the menu.

Next thing you know Hanna and Reagan were strolling in hand in hand, smiling as if everything was peachy keen.

"They look like they're doing okay," Alison said to Emily. She stood and waved to get their attention.

"That's cause Reagan doesn't know," Emily said under her breath so that the two women approaching couldn't hear her. Alison nudged Emily to keep her mouth closed and Emily rolled her eyes and put on a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Hey, guys. Where's Spencer? Hanna asked after everyone hugged one another and sat down.

"Um, I don't. Woah!" Emily stopped mid-sentence when she saw Spencer practically glowing as she walked up to the restaurant's entrance. She stopped at the door and looked back. A shorter brunette came and stood next to her, all smiles. The other girls at the table looked up and witnessed Aria saying a few words into Spencer's ear making the taller paralegal's smile stretch across her face. On her tippy toes, Aria kissed Spencer on her cheek. Spencer blushed and then looked ahead scanning the room for where her friends were seated. Spencer knew they were super late and Aria wasn't necessarily invited, but it was worth it and she wanted to spend more time with the girl.

The women quickly focused on each other so that Spencer and Aria wouldn't notice they were being gawked at. Spencer finally spotted the girls and told the artist to come along.

"Well, that explains why Spencer was late," Hanna said and Reagan choked out a laugh.

"Good morning girls. I hope you don't mind that I joined. Spencer insisted. I had to take her back to her car anyway." Aria said more bubbly than usual as she bounced into the chair right next to Spencer's. Her hazel eyes sparkled.

"No not at all Aria. You're always welcome to come join us." Alison spoke up.

"Wait, take her to her car?  You two uh.." Reagan pointed back and forth between the both of them and then continued her questioning. "You two spent the night together?"

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