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Continued from "She's Back"...

Hanna was practically foaming at the mouth she was so angry. She felt so betrayed like Reagan wasn't totaly honest about her feelings toward Amy when they were together. When Amy had first come to Rosewood on her mission to get Reagan back Hanna was a little insecure at first. They had a lot of history, but Reagan made her feel secure when she let her know that she felt nothing at all for Amy anymore.

By the looks of things, that was a lie.

The girls continued to talk to one another at the table, but Hanna wasn't paying any attention to the conversation. She couldn't hear anything but her heart thumping rapidly in her chest. She was seething while staring at the way Reagan blushed when Amy said something to her. She also felt her temperature rising as she pondered the thought of Reagan having feelings for Amy while they were together.

"I need another drink, or two before the bar closes," Hanna announced before she stood and headed down the stairs.

"She's really mad," Alison stated.

"Yeah, her face got so red I thought she was about to explode in her chair." Emily glanced over at Hanna's empty seat.

"I think we should just get Hanna and leave now before everyone's heading towards the door and the exit is crowded. 'Cause I don't want the possibility of Hanna running into those two, I'm almost positive she will flip her lid." Spencer suggested.

"Yeah, Amy, Reagan, and Hanna shouldn't be within 10 feet of one another. I'm like terrified of that happening tonight." Aria chimed in.

"You and me both," Emily added.

"Last call for alcohol! The bar is closing in 10 minutes!" Reagan announced on the mic.

Soon after Hanna was climbing the stairs with two drinks in her hands, for herself. She snarled at the sound of Reagan's voice over the speakers. When she made it to the top of the stairs she glances overseeing the latina girl looking at the tall skinny blonde she thought she didn't hate anymore, because she seemed like a "better person". But Hanna hates her now more than ever.

That look. I recognize that look. She used to look at me that way. Hanna thought before taking one of the glasses and downing its contents. She swallowed multiple times, without taking a breath. Now only ice clinked around in the bottom of the glass.

Maybe Amy never gave up winning Reagan back. Maybe being nice to me was all apart of her master plan.

She swayed a little as the alcohol hit her. She got chills at first, but then instantly felt heat surging through her body. Her cleavage glowed as she lightly perspired.

Hanna continued to walk once she got her bearings, slamming down the empty glass on an unoccupied table on the way.

Spencer looked up to see Hanna coming in their direction and quickly acknowledged her out loud so the girls would stop talking about her.

"Hey, Hanna!" Spencer shouted gaining the blonde's attention and Hanna looked up at her unenthusiastically.

"Hey." She said dryly, sighing before sitting and placing her other drink on the table in front of her.

"Do you want to get out of here? Let's all go back to our place. We get coffee and catch up Han." Alison suggested.

"No-No. I don't wanna go." Hanna slurred and the girls all looked a bit worried once they noticed Hanna went from a little tipsy to almost shitfaced in a matter of minutes.
Hanna laughed at what she just said, "That rhymed." She giggled.

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