She's Back

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In the bustling city of Manhattan Hanna's heels tapped the concrete. Her coffee in one hand and on the opposite arm her handbag hung in the crease of her elbow. The confident blonde looked as if she were native to the city, weaving through people flawlessly as Mona tried her best to keep up.

"How many more blocks to Waldorf designs Mona?" Hanna looked to her side wait for Mona's response

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"How many more blocks to Waldorf designs Mona?" Hanna looked to her side wait for Mona's response.

"Two more Han," Mona said looking at her phone's GPS.

Over the last 5 months, Hanna began to seem almost robotic. It was just work, design, meeting after meeting, and clearly no time to feel anything. It was like that part of her brain to experience emotion was manually shut off.

Mona's consistant attempts to get Hanna all to herself had finally worked. Hanna had cut everyone off, and also her feelings. No matter how many times Mona tried to get Hanna to open up and be her shoulder to cry on the blonde would change the subject to something less deep. The petite mastermind refused to admit to herself, but in the back of her mind, she knew it. She had broken Hanna.

After Hanna's meeting, they decided to go get lunch at Xushi Co. They were immediately seated because Hanna looked and carried herself like she was someone of great importance. That blank stare in her eyes as if she cared for no one but herself. The way she focused on her phone and none of her surroundings.

Mona glanced up at Hanna while sitting across from at the table. She was still checking emails and listening to voice messages.
Mona sighed and scrolled through her social media accounts.
A mischievous smirk graced her face once she saw a photo posted by Aria. It was of Reagan and Amy giving each other googly eyes in the Dj booth at club Rumors. Also a bunch of pics on Reagan's feed of her babies, a few had Amy in them.
Things Hanna wouldn't see because she deactivated all of her social media accounts.

"So your winter line is all finished and production is scheduled to start soon. The Manhattan boutique being built as we speak. Your line has been picked up by 20 new disturbers. Hanna banana, you're on top. Don't you think it's time to go back to Rosewood and take a break?" Mona asked.

"No, New York is my home now," Hanna said nonchalantly as she used her chopsticks to pick up another piece of sushi.

"I know, but you can check on production at the warehouse, and see your mom. Don't you miss your friends Hanna?"

"I face time my mom every day. I talk to Ali, Emily, and Spence almost every day too." Hanna's voice went up.

"Seriously Hanna what else do you have to do here?"

"Start on the spring and summer line," Hanna stated sounding like more of a question than a statement.

"Hanna the holidays are coming up soon. You need to stop with this 'fuck the world attitude' and go home. Go and see your family and friends in person. I am." Mona crossed her legs and leaned back in her chair while pushing her glasses up.

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