When Darkness Comes To Light Part 1

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A few days went by since  Alison told Emily how she felt about her and since that day she noticed that at work Emily's been a little stand offish. She wanted to confront her about it and let her know that before anything their friendship comes first, but thought she should wait. That really wasn't an appropriate conversation to have at the school where students and associates may over hear.

The school day was almost over and Alison decided to group text Spencer and Hanna to see if they wanted to stop by to talk about how awkward things had been between her and Emily.  Should she talk to her again or just back off and be patient? Seemed like patience was going to be a hard virtue for Alison to take on lately. Every since she kissed Emily and felt the passion between them she craved nuch more. Impure thoughts would enter her mind when she'd see the athletic, tall, tan, goddess.

She sat at her desk thinking of the other day she watched Emily swimming laps in the pool after school and it seemed as if it was in slow motion when Alison watched her climb out of the pool with a high cut, one piece speedo swim suit. Her eyes scaled up the swimmer's long tan legs and watched take off her swimming cap and swing her gorgeous, long, dark, thick hair. She was mesmerized by her beauty. She snapped out of her day dream and texted the girls:

Alison: Hey guys

Hanna: Hey Babes 😃
                   2:47 pm

Spencer:  Hey
                   2:48 pm

Alison: My house 4pm. I need to talk to you guys about Em.
                  2:49 pm

Hanna: I'll be there.See ya later.😘
                  2:49 pm

Spencer: It might be a little after 4. I'm a little swamped at the office. See you guys.
                  2:50 pm

Alison put her phone back in her desk drawer and contiued her lesson plan for the next week. She was relieved her friends were able to stop over later and listen to her vent.
She looked up and saw Emily walking passed her door.

"Emily!" She called out, but the swim coach didn't hear her.
Alison stood up and went to catch up to Emily down the hallway. She saw her bend the corner talking on her phone into the girls locker room by the pool.

Alison walked through the locker room and heard Emily's voice coming from her office. Alison noticed Emily sounded flirtatious over the phone.
Alison stood outside of Emily's office to catch part conversation. The teacher's stomach dropped listening to the way her love interest talked to this person.
"Is Em seeing someone." She thought to herself.

" I promise, I'll be there right after work." Emily giggled. "I miss you too. ..Okay....See you later". Emily hung up her phone smiling ear to ear.

"You'll see who later? " Emily jumped a little at the sound of Alisons voice.

"Oh, hey Ali. Um, I uh was just talking to my mom. I'm having dinner at her house after work."

"Oh, that sounds nice" Alison looked at the taller girl suspiciously. Something in her gut said Emily was lying through her teeth, but she acted as if it didn't phase her.

"So hooow's it going?" Emily sort of sang the question to change the subject.

"It's going great. Just we haven't talked outside of work last few days. Is everything okay between us or did I freak you out at my house over the weekend?"

"No, no, not at all. It's just been alot on my mind that's all." Emily stood behind her desk not looking the blonde directly in her icy blue eyes.
"I hope you understand. I just want to make the right decision"

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