The Mediation

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This was it. It was finally the day that Reagan could detach herself completely from her past. She just needed to legally drop the 120 pounds of drama so that she could move on with her life and continue pursuing happiness with the girl of her dreams.

Reagan wanted Hanna to come along and sit in with her for support. They finally pulled up to the law office. They got out of Reagan's car,holding hands, and looking like the picture perfect lesbian couple that they are.

Both girls entered the building and walked up to the chart next to the elevator to see what floor the room they were told to go was on.
Once they got on the elevator Hanna noticed Reagan was tense.

"Baby, are you okay?" Hanna asked as she massaged Reagan's shoulders from infront of her.

Reagan looked up into Hanna's eyes. "Yeah, guess I'm a lityle nervous. I just hope everything ends amicably."

"Me to." I'll be right next to you tho. Everything will be fine." Hanna tried to help Reagan's nerviness.

The elevator doors opened and Reagan took a deep breath before they started walking down the hall. Once they reached the door a woman was sitting at the head of the long rectangular table smiling.
On each side of the table were three leather office chairs with wheels on the bottom.  Sitting in one of those chairs was Reagan's lawyer.

He stood and shook Reagan and Hanna's hand.
"This is our mediator, Jess Harris, I just became acquainted with her. We're still wating for the othe Mrs.Martinez and her lawyer. Have a seat a seat ladies.

Christopher Allan pulled back the chairs for them as they said hello to Ms.Harris. Christopher and Rwagan went over somethings in his files as they waited and Hanna spinned around in her chair.

The door opened and everyone looked up. Hanna stopped spinning and pulled herself up to the table. Amy and her walked in and sat down across from them.

Reagan and Amy looked at each, but said nothing to one another as tension filled air.

The woman at the head of the table started to speak,
"Okay, Now that everyone is here let us get started. I am your divorce mediator. My name is Jess Harris. For those of you who don't know exactly what a divorce mediator does, I am a neutral 3rd party who helps you negotiate a voluntary agreement without having to head to court and letting a judge decide your fate." Everyone gave their undevided attention as the confident woman spoke.

"So you're like the Olivia Pope of divorce?" Hanna asked and everyone laughed except Amy.

"Yes, you could say that" Jess answered Hanna. "So eith that being said, the divorces should be prepared to compromise, and come to agreements." The woman started to walk around the room as she continued.
"Get out of your minds that you are here to win. This is not about winning."

The woman circled back around the table as everyone turned to look at her. " Okay, since you both brought legal representation I previously contacted both you lawyers to help you list all of you combined and personal assets. This includes homes, vehicles, investments, debts and life insurance. Who pays for what in you guy's household. You may speak to one another and I'll only chime in when things get a little out of hand. You may begin."

The woman sat in her seat and paid close attention waiting for the conversation to begin.

"My client agrees to give Amy Martinez the home they shared in Texas, The Ford Jeep Liberty, and pay off the remainder of Amy's student loans and also 1 year of alimony in the amount of 2 thousand a month or until Amy gets a job once she's done with schooling. All this under 2 conditions....." Christopher, Reagan's lawyer began.

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