Sexuality Is Fluid

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Reagan pulled up to the club and tonight was a long line.

"Damn, is there a special occasion tonight or something? What's with the line?" Spencer asked.
Reagan took Hanna's and Hanna took Spencer's and they walked right passed the waiting crowd.

"Oh, yeah. My cousin is trying new promotions for different days of the week. Saturdays I think is get in free before 11 and  5 dollar mixed drinks all night."
Reagan said as walked up to the bouncer, Eddie. He gave her a fist bump and opened the door to let her and her company in. The crowd complained.

"Hey, Shut up! It was the Dj!" Eddie barked and the crowd silenced as he checked a few more I.D.s and let a few more girls in.

"Whoa, I guess you can say it's working. It's not even 11 yet and this place is near full compacity" Spencer said as they started to weave through the thick crowd.
Reagan stopped and turned to Hanna.

"Han, I'm going to go set up."  Reagan said. She gave Hanna a kiss and started to walk away, but Hanna pulled her hand forcing her to come
back to her.

"Don't let your groupies get too close to you." Hanna smirked.

"I never do." Reagan kissed Hana on her cheek again and walked away. Hanna kept her eyes on her a little bit longer smiling until she lost sight of her to the crowd.

"You guys are so in love it's sickening" Spencer scrunched her nose.

"Jealous?" Hanna said as Spencer started to walk in a direction that was toward the front door. "And where are you going? Our table is that way." Hanna looked back as she continued following behind Spencer.

"I know. I'm checking my coat." Spencer walked up the the coat check. She handed the girl her jacket and took a ticket in return.
She held the ticket out for Hanna to take because she had no purse and all she had was her debit card and cell phone slid between her boobs.

Hanna didnt notice Spencer holding out her ticket to take. She was too busy staring at Spencer's outfit.

"Damn!" Hanna exclaimed.

"What?" Spencer asked with a confused look on her face.

"You look hot!" Hanna said as she took a step back to eye her friends look in full.

"Oh, Thanks. I just wanted to try something different tonight." Spencer said and Hanna finally took her ticket and stuck in the side pocket of her purse.

They started through the crowd toward their table. Spencer was getting looks from many women eying her as she passed through.

She smirked to herself secretly enjoying the attention.

Hanna and Spencer finally made it up stairs to their table.

"Have you spoken Em and Ali? Are they coming out?" Spencer asked.

"They've been out? What do you mean?" Hanna responded cluelessly.

"To the club Hanna, the club." Spencer giggled at her ditsy friend.

"Oh, yeah. They were having dinner with Emily's mom tonight. They said they'll be here afterward."
Hanna answered.

"Oh cool." Spencer said and when she looked to her left she noticed a waitress standing there. The waitress set a pink drink infront of her.

"Um, I didn't order this." Spencer said.

"I know, she did." The waiter pointed over the balcony to a dark haired girl sitting at the bar.

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