The Proposal

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Emily and Alison pulled up to club Rumors, and Alison found it to be a little bit suspicious that there weren't many cars in the lot.

The driver got out and opened the door for the girls. Emily got out first and turned to help Ali.

The girls walked up to the door.

"Em, are we early?" Alison asked when she heard no music and no other foot traffic around the building.

"No, baby. We're just in time." Emily smiled lovingly at her girl.

When they got up to the door they were greeted by Reagan's cousins, Karen and Liz.

"You must be Emily and Alison. Come on in." The girls pulled the door open for them with huge smiles on their faces.

They stepped inside the club to see that the lights were all dim, all except for the low spot light that illuminated the table in the middle of the dance floor. It was a small, round table,covered with a white tablecloth. Two long slender candles were lit, inside silver candle holders, with EF+AD engraved in them.

"Emily?" Alison wispered and was still confused as to what was really going on.

"I have a confession." Emily turned to Alison and Alison waited for her to continue.
"There is no fundraiser ball. This is just for me and you."

Alison turned to look at the table and back to Emily. Her eyes started to water with happy tears.
She walked up to Emily staring deep into her eyes and kissed her deeply.

"This is so beautiful Em. I love it." Alison said once she pulled from the kiss. Emily smiled and took Alison's hand guiding her to the table.

Two uniformed waitresses came out and pulled the girls' chairs out, and pushed them in when they sat.

One of the waitresses pulled the bottle of champagne out of the ice bucket and poured it into each flute, being careful that the bubbles didn't overflow.

Alison had no words she just stared at Emily with a adoring grin. She marveled in her beauty,watching her lips press against her glass and thought to herself
"Im going to marry this woman one day."
Little did she know that day would come sooner than she thought.

"Babe?" Emily called for Ali but she was stuck in her thoughts.

"Huh, Yes?"

"Are you ready to eat now?"

"Yes,what are we having?"

"Your favorite. Sushi." Emily smiled as a waitress came out with a tray, that held at least four differnt types of sushi rolls.

"You are the best girlfriend ever.You know that?" Ali gushed.

"I don't think I'm the best, but you make me want to be." Emily smiled as she dipped another piece of sushi in soy sauce and ate it.

The girls continue to eat, talk, and enjoy the romantic setting. Then music started to play low in the background. Alison's eyes widened when she realized what the song was. It was their song, Every Breath You Take by Denmark+Winter.

Emily stood and held out her hand for Alison to take.

"Let's dance."
Alison took Emily's hand and they moved to the otherside of the dance floor.
Alison clasped her hands behind Emily's neck and Emily placed her hands on Alison's hips as they swayed to the music.
"You remember the first night we heard this song play?" Emily asked.

"Yes, they night I stayed over your house. I was afraid to be alone. Amongst all the bad that was happening around me you always made me feel safe." Ali said with such sincerity.

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