Karma's A Bitch

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"Shit, I have to go!" Maya hopped out of bed and dug into her duffle bag, pulling her uniform out piece by piece.

"Awe, why so soon? 'Cmon get back in bed."

"I've been here with you all day. I have to go. Amy's waiting for me. She thinks I was at work today." Maya left the all too familiar bedroom leaving the half naked dirty blonde sprawled across the bed.

She walked down the hallway and into the bathroom. Maya turned on the shower, pulled the curtain back and stepped in.

She let the water drench her face being careful not to wet her hair. Maya smiled to herself when she heard the rings of the shower cutains scraping the shower rod and and the presence of a warm body behind her.

"When are you going to stop playing housewife and leave that poor pregnant girl?" Her hands grazed Maya's hips as she pressed her chest against Maya's back.

"When you stop playing house leave that poor blind girl." Maya retorted. She turned around and opened her eyes putting her arms behind Jeni's neck.

"I wish it were that simple. She's trying to get used to being blind again. She needs to be here in a familiar place with familiar surroundings." Jeni made an excuse.

"Yeah well from every encounter I've had with her she seems to be a pretty capable woman. Blind or not." Maya said.

"Can we not talk about them right now and let's just focus on us." Jeni sensually kissed Maya. As the water cascaded down their bodies and the steam grew thicker. They ended up on the shower floor. Jeni on top thrusting in between Maya's legs as their tongues invaded each others mouths.

Maya almost gave in all the way until she heard her phone alert her from the next room and it brought her out of her lustful trance.

"Jen. I-I have to go" Maya got out between her heavy breathing.

"Okay, but when can we see each other again?" Jeni asked hovering above her and the water started losing it's heat.

"I don't know. When will Jenna be back from her parent's?" Maya sat up and Jeni helped her to stand.

"Not until Sunday night. She starts her new job as a guidence counselor at the Camden School for The Blind on Monday." They stepped out of the shower to dry off.

"Well, I'll try to get away Saturday." Maya put on her uniform so it would seem like she just left work.

"This is so wrong, you know." Maya said at the door with her bag on her shoulder and Jeni was standing before her in a towel still.
"I know, but with you it feels so right." Jeni said.

Maya shook her head and gave Jeni one last kiss before leaving her condo.

Maya got in her car and unlocked her phone to see what the alert was for.
It was a message from Amy.

Amy: Hey I'm cooking chili and I forgot sour cream. Could you pick some up please. Hurry home I miss you."

"What the fuck am I doing?" Maya whispered to herself after she texted Amy something sweet back and tossed her phone in the passenger's seat.

She remebered the time she found out Emily was sleeping with Alison and lying to her.  Being lied to and betrayed by the only person she thought truely loved and cared for her was such a gut wrenching feeling. Til' this day she can't even describe it in words.

She thought about how she's that person for Amy. Amy has noone else in the whole state of Pennsylvania for her. Not genuinely.

In that moment she hated herself and what she was doing to Amy. Maya felt as though it would break Amy if she found out she was cheating behind her back, but what Maya doesn't know is that Amy was a serial cheater herself and may see things differently.

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