Start of Obsession

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Reagan started to stir in bed, she blinked a few times and opened her eyes and smirked. She reached her hand up to her face and swiped away strands of Hanna's blonde, wavy hair that tickled her cheek. Hanna's body was almost all the way on top of Reagan, with her arms wrapped tight around the brunette's body.

Hanna was still sound asleep. Reagan ran her hand through her golden tosseled locks as she watched her sleeping on her chest. So peaceful and content.

Reagan lowerd herself to kiss her girl on her head and Hanna started to move. She opened her eyes and looked up at Reagan. An uncontrolled smile graced her face.

"Good morning." Hanna's voice was raspy, thick with sleep.

"Good morning beautiful." Reagan's naturally raspy voice was even nore sexy in the morning.

"Were you watching me sleep?" Hanna asked.

"Yeah, you're so cute while you're sleeping, then when you start to talk it's a different story" Reagan joked Hanna poked Reagan in the stomach and smiled. Reagan poked one of Hanna's dimples and flipped her over tickling.

Hanna squirmed around on the bed and giggled, trying to get away from the tickle attack Reagan was unleashing on her.

She was able to flip Reagan over and straddled her. Hanna was starting to win the tickled battle,but Reagan grabbed her hands.

"Wait, wait." Reagan said as she stared into space trying to hear something.

Hanna's ears also perked up.
They heard an unfamiliar phone ring from down stairs and Hanna rolled off of Reagan to let her up. Reagan went into the closet and tossed a comfy white plush robe at her. Reagan put on one herself and went downstairs.

She looked around and saw a phone on a side table in the livingroom. She picked it and answered.


"Hey Reagan, Um I don't know if you knew, but Amy's in town.  She just came to the club looking for you. I tried calling your cell, but it just went to voicemail." Reagan's cousin Karen was on the line.

"What?! She was supposed to be on a plane going back to Austin. What did she want?"

"She had some papers and she said she wanted to give them to you personally. She also said she'd be here in Pennsylvania for a while because they're evacuating her region down there. You know, because of the Hurricane."Karen told Reagan over the phone.

Reagan sighed and her facical expression went blank. She had a strong feeling something bad was coming her way and it had Amy's name writen all over it. She started pacing and Hanna watched as she looked down, over the banister at Reagan.

Reagan knew for a fact that Amy staying in Rosewood any longer would end up in catastrophe. The only thing she couldn't predict was how bad the damage would be in the end.

"What's wrong baby?" Hanna started down the stairs. Reagan sat down on the couch and shook her head with the phone still attached to her ear.

"Reagan?" Karen spoke through the phone.

"Y-yeah. I'm here. You didn't tell her where I was did you?"

Hanna sat next to Reagan as she  tried to decipher the conversation from only hearing Reagan's end.

"I uh just told her you were at the family cabin and to just wait until you got back home tomorrow. She doesn't know where it is, right?"

Reagan jumped up and looked out the window next to the front door. It was getting dark again since the girls had slept most of the day away. Hanna cluelessly followed behind.

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