☁️Shouto x Reader: Yoga-roki

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Shouto x Reader: Yoga-roki for risacutebunny

Description: You use yoga and meditation (and a lil bit of love) to help Todoroki control his fire quirk better. Fluff.  

Didn't realize when Risacutebunny requested that she asked for a Shouto AND a Lemon. So here is the other not-smut one that should have been done in the first place. Lol

"So you really think this will help?" Todoroki flashed you a doubting expression.

"Trust me." You said, laying out your yoga mats on the studio floor.

"Why do you have eggs?" His brows furrowed, noticing the strange addition of cooking ingredients by your bag.

"You'll see." He adorned his usual cool collected expression and sat patiently on his mat to await your instructions. You began with deep breathing exercises before starting some basic poses. Flowing from lunges to downward dogs to back stretches he followed, doing his best to match your higher level of flexibility. Once you felt warmed up, you moved on to more difficult strength and stability poses. His calm stoic character made him a natural at it, finding complete stillness in even the most difficult balance movements. After a decent workout, you both laid out on your mats, letting the soft music in the background flood you with relaxation.

The sunset from the window lit the room with an ambient orange glow, dimming more with each passing moment. You let your head fall to the side, opening your eyes to steal a glance at Todoroki. You were alarmed, feeling caught, since he was already looking at you. "Uh... You're supposed to have your eyes closed." His tiny smug smile implied 'so should you,' but that isn't what he decided to say.

"What if I think you're more relaxing to look at than my own eyelids?" He asked, almost defiantly. You wrinkled your face in discomposure, sliding over to him on your knees.

"Shut your eyes, Shouto!" You said a little too loudly, trying (and failing) to hide being flustered. He obeyed, but you saw a tiny smile still hiding at the corners of his lips. You crouched behind his head, sitting back on your knees. After a moment of silence you spoke again. "Okay... so now that you are relaxed, I want you to activate your quirk."

"Stand back." He ordered, giving you a serious expression. You slid towards his right, watching his other side become completely engrossed in flames. You felt sweltering heat on your face, like you were standing too close to a bonfire that someone just threw gasoline on.

"Ah!" You winced instinctively, throwing a protective arm in front of your eyes, and his fire immediately disappeared.

"Are you alright?" He turned, examining you closely.

"I'm fine." He sighed in relief.

"This is why I don't use it." He stated, looking down at his hand ruefully. "Once it is set loose, I can't keep it at a controllable level." The scent of singed material filled your nostrils. The sleeve of his shirt had been incinerated, not to mention your extra yoga mat. "I promise I'll replace that." He said, noticing you frowning at the pathetic toasted object. "Thank you for trying-" He got to his knees as if to leave.

"If you think I'm gonna let you give up that fast, you're sorely mistaken."

"F/N, I refuse to be the reason for you being sent to Recovery Girl."

"Then DON'T be."

"But if I can't control-"

"If Midoriya doesn't get to use that excuse, neither do you." You asserted with sass, crossing your arms stubbornly. He pouted quietly for a moment.

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