☁️Kirishima x Reader (Fantasy AU): Little Dragon

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Description: You and Midoriya find a mysterious egg in the forest.

For chloethelittlebean. Just because.

I tried to keep this within the same universe as the Sero fic. Midoriya's family are blacksmiths. Seros own the bakery (and yes, he's still Irish). Queen Bakugou still rules with her own dragon. Katsuki does not have his own yet. If I write more of these, they can all probably take place in the same universe.

You all are young teens here.

"Y-you shouldn't go in there. It might be dangerous." The sweaty freckled boy behind you tensed in apprehension.

"Oh pshaw." You continued to wade beneath the dense kudzu, yanking the overhanging vines from your immediate path.

"Uh... You'll... You'll get your dress dirty!" Midoriya tried again, this time hoping to assuage you with an appeal to your feminine wiles.

"Hold my hand then." You reached out, expecting him to escort you into the... it appeared to be a tomb. He hesitated before obeying your request, helping you down the damp concrete staircase. "Come on. Where's your sense of adventure?"

"But... what if something bad happens? Your father'll hold me responsible."

"I'll just tell him I dragged you into it... which is the truth anyway." You inspected the moist stone walls, then waited for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. "Do you think anyone in the village has been out here before?"

"It's hard to say. We're much farther out than we're supposed to be. We might even be in the Queen's Forest. We could run into a royal scout if we're not careful."

"This place seems pretty abandoned. We're probably okay."

"What if there's traps?"

"What if there's treasure...?" You could already see sunbeams flickering off of something shiny at the base of the staircase. They were peeking through tiny cracks in the stone's foundation, giving the long-forgotten ruins a mystical sort of aura. With just enough light to serve your exploration, you wandered through the archway, frowning in disappointment when the sparkle you saw turned out to only be the reflection of a small puddle.

"What did you find?" The blacksmith's son reappeared at your side, taking in the details of the room.


"Ah. That's too bad." Midoriya replied, though he couldn't hide the relief saturating his tone. "Guess we ought to head back then."



"...Did you hear that?" You rose to your feet and looked around, squinting at the corner when the noise resounded once more. You approached the source, Midoriya at your back with his sword drawn.

"Eh?" Your companion looked confused when the two of you stumbled upon what appeared to be an abnormally large egg. A small hole was forming, and whatever creature still trapped within possessed what appeared to be naked skin.

"Have you ever seen an egg this big?" You examined it closely, flipping it gently betwixt your hands.

"No... What could be big enough to lay an egg that size?"

"Maybe a swan? Or a giant salamander?"

"Maybe..." Izuku eyed the tiny hole as well, noting the pink-ish flesh tone. 'That's what featherless birds look like. It must be a swan.' "You... have a pond on your estate, don't you?"

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