{1} Just the Beginning

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London's pov

So much has happened these last few days. I almost feel like I'm dreaming. Did I really go to the Why Don't We concert. Did they really have there only pop up show in Salt Lake City where I live. What if they followed me one Instagram, or liked my post.

I snap out of my little Day dream laughing at how stupid I sound as I walk downstairs to get some food.
I decide on an apple and sit at the table turning my phone on. A few minutes later the loud ding goes off notifying me of a notification which makes me jump out of my seat. I look at the sender and realize it's from my Why Don't We group chat that I have with my two best friends Addie and Haley.

I ignore it thinking it's just another Instagram picture of one of the boys that they decided to share and continue scrolling through my own feed.
Today is Saturday, the day where I stay home and do nothing... attempting to start my homework due on Monday, but I mostly end up wasting my day away. I usually hate when I'm not doing something meaningful. But I just finished the hardest term on school, and right now... I really could care less.

Suddenly a bunch more texts are being sent making my phone buzz like crazy.
I try to ignore them as I set my phone down to grab a drink... but it just continues.
"I swear if they keep sending texts, I'm going to block both their number-..."
Then I look at the messages.
My jaw drops
This can't be
There is No Way!

Addie's pov

"Addie I'm leaving! Make sure you clean your room... I'll be back in a few hours" my mom yells up to my room before grabbing her things.
"Ok Mom, see you later" I yell back jumping on my bed.

I hear the door close, and I roll over to pick up my phone, noticing the bright screen with a new notification from Instagram.
"What the heck?"
I can't believe my eyes.

I reread the message over and over telling myself it isn't real.

There is no way.

I open my Instagram which is where the notification came from and read it again.
It's definitely real.

Zach Herron, THE Zach Herron followed me on Instagram. I click on my profile and look at my newest picture which was of the concert. I scroll through the likes hands shaking until I realize he liked the picture too.

At this point I have no idea what to think... I click on the name to make sure it's not some fan... and sure enough, it's him.
"London and Haley are going to freak" I say slowly opening our group chat.

WDW group chat:
Haley: what?
Addie: Zach liked my picture and FOLLOWED me on Instagram! 😭
Haley: Zach who?
Haley: ok so, your definitely lying.
Addie: no I freaken swear on my entire life

I screenshot the picture of him following me and send it, just as I do I get another notification.

Instagram message from imzachherron

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