{22} Finally

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**London's POV**

We all went to bed last night really relieved that Jonah and Haley's fight was resolved. In all honesty the rest of us didn't want to leave.
I walked downstairs after getting ready a little, but still in my pajamas and I see Daniel. Instantly I remember yesterday. when I came back from the college thing and sat next to him he started to tell me something but we were cut off by that fight thing.

"So Daniel. Uh... you never really told me what you wanted to say yesterday after we were cut off." I say
"Oh right. Well I just." He says going quiet after.
"Just what?" I ask
"I just was wondering if you wanted to go on date with me tonight... I mean only if you aren't busy." He says smiling, I can tell he's nervous in case I turned him down. But why in the world would I turn freaken Daniel Seavey down!
"Of course! I was hoping you would ask that" I say excitedly.
"Really? that's good I was so worried you would say no." He says laughing a little.
"I would never dream of saying no to you" I say laughing also.

We talked a little more and then I went back upstairs to change so Haley and I could leave again. I almost had to drag Haley away from Jonah this morning so we wouldn't be late. Once we climb in our Jeep I finally begin to drive.

"So what were you and Daniel talking about this morning." She asks me smirking
"Not much, just that he wants to go on a date with me tonight!!" I say obviously excited.
"Really! Yay we should totally go on a group date sometime." She says
"That would be so much fun! How are you and Jonah doing?" I ask
"Pretty good..." she says smiling.
"Uh huh, that's it just pretty good" I say knowing there's more.
"Well you know last night we went outside in the back to watch the sunset and take a break from the movie." She says
"Oh ya, I remember... and?" I say
"Well he asked me to be his girlfriend!" She says with the biggest smile I've ever seen.
"NO WAY! Why didn't you tell me! Totally ship it. #Jaley". I say making her laugh.

*after they get done at the college*

"Ready?" Daniel asks as I walk down the stairs after getting ready.
"Yep!" I say really excited.
"We get to the restaurant and have so much fun, we both have tears in our eyes from laughing so hard.

"Wow it's already 8:00" I say looking at my phone. We have been having such a good time it has passed to quickly and I really don't want to go.
"I really don't want this night to end" he says looking me in the eye.
"Me neither, I honestly don't ever want this week to end either." I say

"Shoot." I say realizing that I forgot to book the hotel for tonight. We promised that we would only stay for two nights.
"What's wrong?" Daniel asks worriedly seeing my face.
"I just totally forgot to book the hotel for tonight, do you mind if I call the them real quick?" I ask pulling my phone out.
"No London, you don't need too. Just stay with us again, you really haven't been a problem." He says smiling at me.
"No, no we said we would only be here for two nights." I say beginning to call the hotel.

Just then he grabs my phone and runs out the restaurant. I'm not sure if I should be angry because I can't stop laughing as I chase him back out. When I finally get to the parking lot, I see him standing by the car holding the door open for me and I hop in rolling my eyes as I sit down. After he shuts the door and gets in his own seat he still hasn't given me the phone back.

"So... ya going to give me my phone back or...". I ask.
"Not until we get home cause you are not staying in a hotel tonight." He says

I am about to reject his offer again when I hear a huge roar of thunder almost shaking the car. If there's one thing you should know about me, I HATE thunderstorms, really any storms but especially at night. I've never been able to sleep without someone being in my room. Even though my friends are with me, the thought of having a big storm outside and being in a hotel. Doesn't sound appealing to me so I decided to not argue with Daniel this time.

"Don't like thunder?" He asks looking at my worried facial expression.
"Well you know some people are scared of heights, some scared of spiders, which I am, but I'm also scared of storms. Especially at night." I say laughing at how dumb it probably sounds.
"Which is exactly why you are staying at our house tonight." He says grinning
"Fine" I say, after I do he finally hands my phone back.
"Good" he says as he drives the rest of the way back home.
He stops at the house but before he gets out he just turns to me. I hear the thunder agin even louder and get worried again until Daniel grabs my hand.

"You know London?" He asks me.
"Know what?" I say
"Well I don't really know how to say this, it's just... I really like you. But if you'd don't like me back, I mean that's fine... I don't want to make things weird...". I break him off knowing I feel the exact same way.
"I have felt the same way for a while now I say."

All I want to do is kiss him, but I don't know if that would take it too far. He gets out of the car and goes around to open the door for me. I stand up thanking him, as we just stare into each others eyes and that's when I realize he had the same idea as me.
Before I fully realize he leans in and is kissing me as I kiss him back. Our moment is eventually ruined by the thunderstorm and we both break apart laughing at how we both jumped at the sound.

We walk back in the house and all I can do is smile.  Finally, I think looking up at him.

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