{51} arrival

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London's POV

"Welcome everyone to Florida, your luggage will be located at baggage claim 6 if this is your final destination, if you are catching another flight and have any question please feel free to ask the attendants at the front desk"

"Daniel wake up" I say gently shaking his shoulder.
"What do you want?" He says not moving from his position.
"We're here, now get your lazy but up or else..."
"I'm up! Im up." Daniel says immediately opening his eyes.

"Good" I say laughing as I grab my backpack and shove my headphones into it.

After what seemed like an hour of waiting to get off the cramped plane, we finally are back in the airport. Somehow the airport people managed to get all ten of our suitcases here, which actually really surprises me, but I'm definitely not complaining.

Currently we're all sitting in the chairs waiting for Jonah and Corbyn to get back from the rental car thing.
We are all really tired, especially me since I didn't pack till midnight last night and then had to wake up very early this morning, and I didn't sleep at all on the plane.
I am very good a procrastinating.

"So we got two cars so we can fit all of us in them" Jonah says walking up with keys in his hands and Corbyn walking beside him.

We all slowly stand up and head out to the parking lot to find which cars we have. Daniel and I ended up getting in Jonah's car since it was closer and we both fell right asleep once are luggage was put in the back and we were settled in.
Everyone else went with Corbyn, well except for Haley who's currently sitting in the passenger seat talking to Jonah.

After about a 45 minute drive we finally make it to the hotel and now that I'm more awake, my excitement is just growing.
I love Disney.

Once are cars were parked, the ten of us piled out and rolled our suitcases into the big hotel.
The boys all checked in together while the rest of us just waited around, admiring the beautiful hotel we were in.

"Ok floor 8 rooms 853 and 854" Daniel says as we nod and follow them to the elevator.

"So we put girls in one and boys in the other, we didn't feel like having 10 angry moms yelling at us for mixing rooms." Jonah says laughing.
"But there next to each other so we can still party" Zach says making everyone laugh more.

"Sounds great!" I say
"Yes! Thank you" Peyton says as we all exit the elevator.
"Oh there's two beds in each, but there's also a couch... so someone will have to sleep on that." Corbyn says handing us keys.

All the girls point to Addie giving her a look, while the boys do the same to Zach. Causing a bunch of laughter to erupt.

"Whatever" Addie says as we are all walk into our rooms.
"Wow" Haley says behind me as we look around.
"Wow is right" I say setting my backpack down.

The rooms not huge, but there is an amazing window that looks out onto the city and two nicely made beds against the wall underneath. There also a couch and tv towards the other side.

"Holy crap the bathrooms even better!" Addie yells as the rest of us walk in to see it also.

"This is the nicest hotel I've..." I start to say but get cut off by a loud knock coming from what looks like a closet door.

"Uh, well that's not scary at all" Peyton says following me out.
"Why is there a knock from that door?" Addie asks.

I slowly walk to it and unlock the door opening it to find Daniel in their room.

"Our rooms connect!" Addie says a little to excitedly. Causing us to laugh again.
"Well hello" I say to him, walking inside a little to see a room almost identical to ours.
"Wow this is cool" Christina says
"Anything you needed?" I ask Daniel walking back towards our room.
"Just wanted to say hi"
"Cool, well we've got to go, cause we're busy admiring this amazing room" I say pointing to the room we were just in.
"Wait" Daniel says putting his hand out to keep it open.
"We're getting a late lunch at 2" Jack says from behind him.
"Yep" Daniel says agreeing with him.
"Ok will do" I say smiling as I close the door.

"We've got a little over an hour everyone... and I don't know about you, but I'm taking a nap" I say jumping onto one of the beds.

Peyton decided to take a nap also, while Haley was watching something on her phone, and Christina is doing something on her computer. I have no idea what Addie's doing, but I'm too tired to care.

I'm back haha,

Before I say anything >>>>>>>>>>>
If anyone has any exciting story ideas to use in the next few chapters those would be greatly appreciated! Just DM me or comment, and I'll look through all of them!

AND THANK ALL OF YOU FOR READING! My story now has 100k reads!
Which is insane! So thank you very much🙏🏼

Sorry I was gone so long, I've literally had the most stressful last few weeks of school, and had no time to do anything but homework.
But I'm back, and it's a new semester so shouldn't be having as much homework and such. So hopefully I'll write some more comin up soon!

This chapter is also all over the place, but I promise it'll get better lol

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