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Before Jonah and haley made up...

*Addie's POV*

I figured Jonah and Haley needed some space to resolve their issues so I told her that we were going to visit London.

I felt better going today, now that Zach is with me. We walk to her door and step inside.  No one is in there right now so we all pile in. she still looks the same. Exactly.

I can see a few tears going down Daniels face as I realize how much this is hurting him.

All I want is for her to wake up.

We stand in silence for a while until a nurse walks in.

"How are you doing today?" The nurse asks with a slight smile.

"A little better, how is she doing?" I question hoping for some good news in return.

"Well she has had no sign of being woken up, we don't know how long she could be like this." The nurse says as she types some things in her computer.

"How long could she stay like this?" Corbyn asks.

"I don't know, were hoping she will get out if it soon, but it is possible she could stay like this for a while, even months."  My heart drops and I can see Daniel walk out.

We decide we should go back and see how the other two are doing so me, Jack, Corbyn, and Zach head back. 

As soon as we're abut we walk in we hear them talking and wait for a second.

"I love you too." Is all I hear Haley say before me and Zach rush in.

... back to present

"How's London?" Haley questions as the rest of us all remember what the nurse had just said.

"She-she's still in a coma.  The nurse said they don't know when she will wake up" I say trying to not cry.

"Did she tell you a time frame at least?" Haley asks worried.

"Could be days to even... months." I say trailing off towards the end. 


  We spend the rest of the day mostly playing games with Haley trying to get our minds off everything.  Daniel came back up and found us after about 30 minutes.  But now he is mostly just sitting in the corner by himself.  Nothing we can do seems to cheer him up.

After hours of our games and me winning.  The nurse walks in.

"Good news Haley!" You can go home tonight!" The nurse says obviously excited. 

Now everyone is excited and my parents come in to join us with our good news.

*Haley's POV*

After some tests the nurse leaves and so does everyone else to get something to eat.  All except for Jonah and my parents.

"Haley... as much as we would like to stay.  I'm not sure we can.  Both your dad and I have missed several days of work and we can't stay in LA to much longer.  I feel though that even if we did, we would be in a hotel and we wouldn't really want you having to go "home" to that."  My dad says

"We would like for you too come home with us, but the doctor doesn't think it's a good idea to fly just yet, and we really don't either."   My Mom says.

"But we talked to Jonah, and he agreed that you could stay at their house... well actually he almost demanded." My dad says laughing. 

Jonah just grins at me from across the room.

"But really Jonah? You have a band to be in, are you sure you can take care of me?" I say looking in his gentle eyes.

"Of course Haley, you will always come first before anything." He says.


  It's time. I can finally go back to the Why Don't We house, which by now, feels more like home than ever.  My parents booked a flight for tonight so that my dad could make it too a very important business meeting tomorrow.  They were very hesitant on leaving, but I reassured them that Jonah will take care of me better than anyone else can. 

We get in the car and my dad starts to pull away.  I feel really hesitant as we start driving, flashbacks from minutes before pop into my head.  Jonah then wraps his arms around my shoulders and I instantly feel safe again.  I'm ok. I'm ok when I'm with Jonah.

  After arriving at my new home, I feel great.  Great to be anywhere else that's not the hospital, and even better to be with the boy who I love the most.

  My parents left after saying goodbye, and Daniel went to bed soon after.  He's been having a very tough time with everything and I think he just needed a break.

The rest of us decided to have a little celebration for my arrival home.  I can't do much so Corbyn and Jack went out to buy food.  While I stayed on the couch watching movies with Jonah, Zach, and Addie as my leg was propped up.  I'm so glad I'm here, I'm home.


  I wake up the next morning on my bed.  I guess I fell asleep and Jonah carried me upstairs.

   I pick up my phone and read the time.  12pm.  Geese I think to myself as I slowly sit up.  I really slept in. It felt good though, that's really been the first time in a while that I slept through the night.

Jonah walks in as soon as I put my phone down and then comes over to me.

"How did you sleep?" He asks.

"Actually really well. I feel great today." I say happily.  "Where's the others?"

"That's great! Daniel went to the hospital early this morning, the rest of them are downstairs watching tv or something."  He says

"Oh cool." I say

  Just then Jonah gets a phone call. 

"It's from Daniel..." he says as he answers it.

I can hear Daniel rambling through the phone, it almost sounds like he is crying.

"Daniel... Slow down... what's wrong?" I hear Jonah ask him through the phone.

Please don't be about London. I think to myself  just waiting for Daniel to respond.

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