{29} aftermath

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*Jonahs POV*

"Daniel... I can't get ahold of Haley! It's 9:50" and the mall closed at 9... they should be home by now... it only takes 5 minuets to get home and what if..." I say worriedly as he cuts me off.

"Jonah. Calm down... Don't worry they probably went somewhere else and her phone is dead... I'll call London and see where they are." Daniel says.

I watch as he clicks on her contact name and waits for her answer.
"Hmm she didn't answer either." He says, his smile fading fast. I see him try again and again with no reply.

"Just then I get a call from an unknown number and slide it open."

"Hello?" I ask the caller.

"Is this Jonah Marais?" I hear the other line ask.

"Yes... who is this?"

"This is Ben Johnson from the LA police Department."

Ok Jonah.  Don't freak out.  I'm sure everything is fine.  I think trying to calm myself down

"Ok" I say struggling with what to say

"Do you know someone by the name of Haley Smith?" He asks

"Uh ya, that's my girlfriend... is something wrong? She wasn't answering my calls" I ask with a a very shaken voice.

"I'm very sorry to inform you that she got in a car accident with a drunk driver, police are at the scene... but we noticed missed calls from you on her phone and hoped you had a connection with her.  She is being transported to the hospital now."

My heart stops and my head gets dizzy. Daniel takes my phone as I sit down and put my face in my hands.

"Wait sir?" Daniel asks


"I'm London's boyfriend, London Anderson... I-is is she with her."

"Oh yes.  I'm glad I can speak to you too, Ms Anderson was also in the car and is being taken now, further questions about there condition can be answered by the doctors." He says firmly

"Were on our way, thank you." I say quietly taking the phone back as I hang up. I feel like I am going to throw up and I feel dizzy. I grab my keys but Daniel takes them from me before I am out the door.

"No Jonah... I'll drive, your in no condition to." He says

We get in the car and drive as fast as we can to the hospital. "We're here" Daniel says Turing to me with red eyes. I can see tears streaming down his cheeks after that very quiet silence we had in the car.  We run inside and ask where London and Haley are, they said there's no visitors allowed, but there's a waiting room to sit at. We go up to the third floor and sit in the waiting room. Just waiting. About 10 minutes later a nurse comes out.

"Family of London Anderson and Haley Smith" she says as me and Jonah immediately stand up.

"that's us." We say together.

"Great and how are you related to the patients." She asks

"Were their boyfriends, there parents live in Utah and there down here for collage." Daniel says quickly.

"I see, well Haley and London are currently in emergency surgery. I don't have much more information but once they are out, the doctor will be able to tell you all the information. For now you can wait in here if you like." She says gesturing too the chairs we were just at.

All me and Daniel can do is nod as we sit back down without a word. I just realized I have a bunch of miss calls from the boys so I call Corbyn and tell him what happened. Him and the boys insist on coming and Jack offered to call Haley and London's parents which actually helps me and Daniel out a lot. Now all we can do is wait.

An hour goes by and eventually I fall asleep from all the worry and stress of the night. The waiting room is empty besides a few others since it's 11pm.

I then hear a doctor walk in and instantly sit up.
"Family of Haley Smith." He says as me and the boys walk up to him.

"Is she ok!" I ask very worried

"Haley has badly broken leg which she just came out of surgery for. As well as a mildly severe concussion. But no more than that which is a very good sign. She is currently just resting and can except visitors in a few minutes."  He says as relief washes over me.  I'm so glad she is going to be ok.

"How is London? Can we see her?"  Daniel asks still worried.

"Unfortunately London got most of the impact since the car hit on her side. From what we can tell she also has a broken foot, as well as a few broken ribs. She is still in an emergency surgery.  There was a hard blow to her head and that is also being looked over. The doctor will inform you later on how the surgery went."
He says.

  We all just stand there in shock and I can tell Daniel is trying hard to not break down right there on the floor.  I don't know what to do but I find myself waking swiftly to Haley's room as Corbyn stays with Daniel. 

  I walk into her room and see her laying with her eyes closed.  Her face is cut up and bruised and her leg is completely bandaged up.  I walk over next to her as Zach and Jack walk in behind me. 

I grab her hand and turn towards the others. 
"Why? Why did this happen to them?" I say as more tears are coming, surprising me that I have any left. 

I hear a doctor come in and he walks over to me. 
"Hi, Mr. Marais is it?" He asks
"Um yes" I say
"My name is Dr. Neilson,  I have an update on Haley." He says as I just nod my head.
"You may have heard but she has a broken leg, which should heel up just fine, but the cast will need to stay on for about 8 weeks."  I nod again turning to look at her as he continues.

"As for her head injuries, those are a little more unpredictable, we can tell from her scans that she has some damage but not life threatening and there is a chance that she will walk away with very little harm.   However since she has a concussion it may result in memory loss.  We hope this won't happen... but it can range from not knowing anyone, to just forgetting how to do simple things." 

"Wait.  So she may not remember me?" I ask worried and very scared for his answer.

"Possibly, but we will not know for sure until she wakes up." He says standing up to walk out.  Just leaving me there, with the love of my life.  Without answers.

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