{42} new memories

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*Jack's POV*

  I wake up probably the happiest ever been.  After seeing everyone else fall in love, I now know how they feel.  And I couldn't be better.

  I slowly walk downstairs and see Peyton and London taking at the counter. 
"Hey" I say as I approach them.
"Hey" Peyton says smiling as we stare into each others eyes.

"Just date already geese." Zach says walking in with Daniel as London his him in the head.
"Sorry didn't realize I was staring" I say nervously
I turn and glare at Zach. He just shrugs his shoulders and continues to the fridge.

"We need to leave for the meeting in 30 minutes Jonah says walking into where everybody is"

"Oh right I forgot about that" I say "sorry we can't hang out today." I say to Peyton.

"That's ok London, Haley and I were planning to go to the mall or something anyway." She says smiling.


*London's POV*

The boys left about 15 minutes ago and I can't help but notice the never ending smile on Peyton's face. 

"Ok spill the beans" I say as Haley joins us resting her leg on the couch.
"What do you mean?" She asks
"We all know you two didn't watch the movie, where'd you go?" Haley says

"Oh right, well we took a walk and then it started raining, and then we had to get shelter under a bus stop so we just took the bus home, and then you were asleep so I had to borrow Jacks clothes, and then, we may have kissed."
She blurts out, almost to fast to understand.

"You WHAT!" Haley and I scream.
"He told me he really likes me, and I told him the same and then well... we kissed" she says trying to hide her growing smile.
"Oh my gosh! That's so cute!" Haley screams.
"YES!" I say


  After getting ready we decided to head to the mall, and Peyton volunteered to drive.  My ankle is pretty much healed up, I actually don't have to wear a brace anymore, and Haley is getting her cast off tomorrow, so now she will just have a boot to wear around.  It's going to be a great week, I just know it.


*Addie's POV*

Today's the day.   The day I leave my mom and step dad. The day I leave Utah.  But deffinitly not forever.  I'll visit.  A lot.

"Ready?" My dad asks as me and my brother as we gather the last of our things.

"Yup ready as I'll ever be I guess" I say as we head to the car.

I don't know why but I'm so nervous. Nervous to see everyone. And nervous to start a new life. But mostly I'm excited, for all the new memories.

We make it to the airport and after waiting for about an hour we hear the worker speak through the intercom.

"Flight 208 leaving for Las Angeles is now boarding."

This is it. I can not wait!


Hey everyone, hope your enjoying the chapters!

Sorry this one was so short, but I've got some big plans coming up that I'm really excited about so stay tuned 😂

Thanks again for all the likes and comments! I really love hearing your feedback!!

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