{14} The Date

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**Haley's POV**

I here a knock on our hotel door and see Jonah waiting on the other side. 

"Ready?" He ask
"Yep" I say as walk out the door.

He said to dress casual, so I'm just wearing my ripped jeans with my white high top converse, and a nice shirt.

"So where are we going?" I ask as he is driving us.
"Well I thought maybe we could grab some food and have a picnic on the beach" he says
"That sounds amazing!" I say

After we grab our food, we take it to the beach along with a blanket to sit on.

"I love watching the sunset" I say as we are sitting next to each other on the blanket.
"Me too, and it's even better watching it with you"
I start to smile at what he just said and say back
"I agree"

We sit there just watching it together until there is just a little light coming through.

"Do you want to go walk along the beach?" Jonah asks taking his shoes off
"Ya let's do it" I say taking mine off as well.

We walk into the water just enough for our feet to get wet.  After about ten minutes of walking along the beach and talking I see a football coming straight for me. I try to duck but it hits me right in the head knocking me onto the water, which by this time of night it's freezing. 

Immediately Jonah picks my freezing body up and runs me to where our blanket is. He sets me down and then wraps the entire blanket around my shivering self.

"I'm so sorry! Are you ok!" He asks panicking
"Jonah... don't worry I'm fine, just got a real bad headache, but it should go away with medicine, and I may be a little wet... but besides that I'm totally fine!"  I say laughing a little to myself about how much he cares about me. We start to pack up and make our way back.
When we finally make it to the car he opens the door for me.

"I'm so sorry I should have pulled you out of the way but I didn't see it coming until
It was to late and I..."
I cut him off "hey, I had a lot of fun, and I can handle being a little wet"

We make it to the hotel room and he walks with me all the way to my room.
Before I open the door I turn to look at him. 

"Thanks for the fun night" I say
"No thank you for going through all that" he says

I close the door after saying bye... that date ended too soon.  Now I'm faced with some  confused friends.  I tell them everything that happened and we all laugh it off.  I end up taking a warm shower after and get into some dry pajamas then crawl in my bed.  That's when I get a text.

Jonah: thanks again <3
Me: no thank you... goodnight!
Jonah: goodnight :)

Even tho I've got a pounding headache, and some wet clothes... I would do it all again to spend more time with Jonah.

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