{30} not your fault

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  *Jacks POV*

  After hearing the doctors news me and Zach walk back out to find Daniel and Corbyn. 
"Are you ok?" I ask Daniel already knowing his answer. 

He's about to respond until he gets interrupted by the doctor. 

"London just came out of surgery."  He says immediately drawing in all of Daniels attention.

"How did it go?" Daniel asks shakily.

"The surgery went well, we fixed her broken bones but her head injury is very severe." He says.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"She's in a coma, as of right now there is a chance that she may not make it, and if she does it's very likely she won't fully recover leaving her with brain damage."

Daniel just stands there shocked so I speak up.

"Is there any chance she could make a full recovery?" I ask trying to gain some hope.

"It is highly unlikely, I have seen a couple patients walk away with little too know injuries, but in her situation I would say she has about a 7% chance of little to none lasting brain damage."  He says

  My mind starts getting dizzy.  I was never as close to her as Daniel, but she was one of my best friends, I just can't loose her.  I finally move to sit down and see Daniel run outside, I decided it would be good to get fresh air too so I run after him. 

*Jonahs POV*

  Haley still hasn't woken up yet, I stayed with her all night last night, because I definitely didn't want her waking up by herself in the hospital. 

  It's about 11am and her parents should be here in a few hours, it was the soonest flight they could get.  I've gotten so tired and haven't been able to sleep but I can feel my eyes close and decide it would be best if I could get some rest. 

I wake up immediately to some commotion and see Haley's eyes looking at me.  I immediately stand up and walk over to her.

"Your awake! How are you feeling?" I ask almost crying for joy.

I can't help but get that sick feeling in my gut as I see her very confused expression. 

"You don't remember me do you" I asks as part of my heart stops.

She finally responds.  "Uh no sorry, are you the doctor?" She says as I immediately freeze.  I can feel tears staring to run down my cheeks.

"Why so sad?" She asks handing me a tissue from the side table.

"It's just I was worried th-this wo-would happen, and I can't loose you."  I say

"Well you don't have to Jonah" she says smiling.

"Wh-what!  You remember?!" I say not believing anything I can hear.

"How could I forget you?" She says laughing.

"Oh my gosh... I thought I lost you! Don't ever do that again!" I say leaning in and giving her a hug as relieved tears run down my face. 

"Except... what happened to me?" She asks as I sit on the edge of her bed.

"What do you remember?" I ask

"Well I remember driving home, and then London yelling about a car, and then I see it going through a red light and last thing I remember is everything going black."  She says looking down.

"Right... well you were in a car accident, and as soon as me and Daniel found out, we came as soon as possible,  I stayed here all night until you woke up."  I say

*Haley's POV*

I still can't comprehend everything that's happening, I was just at the mall and now I'm at the hospital.  But I can't believe Jonah would stay with me all I night. I think I love him.  I actually love him.

"Wow Jonah that's so sweet, I lov... wait..." I say catching myself...
"Where's London? Is she ok? What happened to her!?"  I ask frantically

"She-she's in a coma.  The car hit on her side and she broke a few ribs and her ankle." He says as I instantly break down.

"No, it's all my fault!" I say not stopping the tears running down my face.

"Don't even say that! Haley you were hit by a drunk driver... there's nothing you could of done!" He says, I can see the pain in his eyes.

  He gently scoots closer to me and pulls me into a much needed hug.  I just cry into his chest for what seems like hours but he doesn't move.  He just holds me tight.  I'm in such a terrible place. But for some reason this, just feels right.


  I guess we fell asleep because I wake up to Jonah hanging up the phone and sliding it in his pocket.  He turns to me and we lock eyes.

"Good news! Your parents just landed there coming to see you in a few minutes."  He says

I haven't even thought about my parents as much as I should have, but after he says that I realize there just what I needed right now. 

After a bunch of new tests and scans my parents walk through the doors. 
But there not alone.

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