{18} Movie Night

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**Londons POV**

"Finally" I say as I see Addie and Zach walking back to us. Once they met up with our group we get into our separate cars and drive to the boys house. Since it was only 7:30 we decided to watch a movie, and eventually made a decision on watching High School Musical 2. A personal favorite of mine. I'm sitting next to Daniel on my left side, and Haley then Jonah on my right, while of course Zach and Addie are together on the other couch. Me Haley and Addie watch this movie all the time so we know the words to every song, we're having a great time almost yelling all the lyrics out to the songs.

About half way through my stressful morning and lack of sleep last night catches up on me. I get so tried that I'm fighting to keep my eyes open. Eventually I just give up on the fight and close my eyes. I rest my head against the couch and fall asleep.

**Haley's POV**

I'm texting Addie like crazy right now because half way through the movie London fell asleep. But she didn't just fall asleep, she fell asleep on Daniels shoulder, and now Daniel is a asleep too.

Me: this is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Addie: I know! Like I need to take a picture.

Me: Ahhh! She's gonna freak when she finds out she wasn't leaning against the couch.

After the movie ends, Daniel and London are still asleep while the rest of us stand up to get to bed.

"Should we wake them up?" Corbyn asks
"NO! I think they will be fine" I say trying to be quiet.
We all then quietly head to our rooms after saying goodnight. And me and Addie hop in our beds.
"Do you think they'll wake up soon?" Addie whispers to me.
"I don't know, guess we will find out later.

**London's POV**

I wake up realizing that it's really quiet. I slowly open my eyes seeing that it's dark and that everyone left. I'm to tired to get up, but I feel the couch shake a little under neath me and I pop up right away.

Only to realize. I wasn't laying on the couch that whole time... I was laying on Daniel.

He opens his eyes almost right as I sat up.
"Oh my gosh! I'm really sorry! I thought I was laying on the couch and I didn't realize that..."
he cuts me off mid sentence sitting up a little straighter.
"London... I fell asleep too" he says laughing a little. "Honestly, I really didn't mind it one bit."

His comment made me smile. I guess to be honest with my self I didn't mind it either.
I look around the room and find it to be empty.

"Well I guess we better head up to our rooms." I say not really wanting too.
"Ya I guess... I'll see you tomorrow" he says giving me a hug as we head into the different rooms.

I slowly walk in trying not to wake up Addie and Haley, but end of tripping on Addie's suitcase and crash into the bed. They both instantly wake up.
"Sorry!" I say quietly
Im ready to here them complain to me how they are getting no sleep until I see grins appear on there faces when they see that I came back.
"How was waking up to that?" Addie asks as she looks at me.
"I mean I ship it" Haley says
All I can do is shrug my shoulders.
"Kind of embarrassing at first but not the worst thing I can wake up to I guess." I say grinning back.
"Knew it! Well goodnight" Addie says laying back down in her bed.
"Goodnight" I say in return falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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