{27} I'm sorry

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*London's POV*

I hang up the phone after Addie's conversation feeling terrible.  I can't believe she has to go through all this.  I tell Haley about everything that's happened. 
  One thing Addie doesn't know, is that Zach has asked if she's been doing good.  Even though that's small, I can see the genuine care in his eyes. 
  So... I'm going to ask him tomorrow.

Everything else with school has been great.  Haley and I have gotten our whole dorm set up and our families left this morning to go back to Utah.  The meeting with my family and Daniel went surprisingly really well. 
  And well... Daniel asked me to be his girlfriend a couple days ago, finally!...
I couldn't be more excited!

*next morning*

I make it too the boys house with Haley. We hang out for a while and then I decide to go find Zach. I find him outside with a blank expression on his face.

"Hey Zach what's up?" I ask
"Not much". He says turning to me
"What's wrong?" I ask
"I don't know" he says looking down

"Hey so what's going on with you and Addie" I ask digging the truth out.
"I don't know I really like her and all I want to do is see her. But she has a boyfriend... That's not me." He says painfully.
"Why didn't you text her after she left, that's mostly why she got together with Gage on the first place... to get her mind off you!" I say

"I know, it's just I lost my phone and then was busy". He says
"You know you could have used my phone...?she thought you were ignoring her." I say
"I know it's stupid of me... but when I went to text her back she posted on Instagram and then there was her and her new boyfriend." He says.
"Why Don't you look on her Instagram now." I say gesturing to his phone.

He slowly pulls it out of his pocket and goes to her Instagram.

"Where's the picture?" He asks looking straight up to me.
"She deleted it cause a few days ago they broke up. He cheated on her." I say
"What! I'm gonna beat that kid up if I ever see him!!" Zach says angrily.

"She called me yesterday crying telling me about that, and also how her dad has to move to another state. But you know what she was mostly sad about?" I ask
"What?" He says with complete sympathy in his eyes.
"She told me how you ignored her up until a few days ago, and all you said was goodbye." I say looking at him.

"no" is all I hear him say before he grabs his phone and runs to call someone.

*Addie's POV*

Today is Saturday which is good, I haven't felt like doing really anything lately just staying home and watching Netflix. I'm still at my dad's house but he's only working till 4:00 so hopefully we can do something tonight.

I scroll through my camera roll looking at all the funny pictures I took with Zach at our 'photo shoot' and it makes me smile. I also feel a huge amount of sadness though and all I want to do is cry. Just then I get a phone call. Great. It's from an unknown number but I have nothing else to do so I decide to answer.

"Addie! You answered!" Is all I hear in a strangely familiar voice.

"Um ya, who is this?" I ask

"Oh sorry I got a new number... it's Zach"

My heart immodestly stops and I freeze.

"Zach?" I say in almost a whisper.

"Ya, Addie I'm so sorry. I had to get a new phone and then I was busy, which really is no excuse, but I saw your Instagram post and I just got jealous I guess." He says

"Thanks, I'm sorry too ."

"Sorry? for what"

"I don't know moving on to someone else so fast... which ended up being the worst decision ever."

"No Addie don't apologize... London told me what happened, and you deserve much better than that!"

"You really just made my crappy day so much better Thank you"

"No I feel the same way... thank you"

I here the garage open and realize my dad's home.

"Hey I'll talk to you tonight, my dad just got home." I tell him.

"Ok talk to you later!" He says hanging up

I walk downstairs to see my dad and with a big smile.
"Hey what are you smiling about?" I ask joining him at the table.

"Well I know where I am going to move for work!" He says excitedly.
"Oh. Uh... Where too?" I ask nervously
"I got the manager position in California!"
"What! Wait... where?!!" I say shocked
"LA!" He says.

No way... there's no freaken way...


Sorry is took so long to upload... I've been really busy lately, but I'm hoping to upload more regularly.

Also, thanks for all your votes and nice comments! I really appreciate it! 💗

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