{25} To Many Goodbyes

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**Haley's POV**

  Today me and London are leaving for college and we are so excited.  It is really hard leaving Our families behind, and Addie... she's been through most everything with us and it's so sad to leave.
   Apparently she has a boyfriend now, he seems nice, could use a haircut, but I hope he treats her well.  I guess Zach never texted her back again so they moved on, the long distance would be hard anyway so maybe it's for the best.  But now we can't go on our triple date. 
   Me and Jonah are doing real good.  We talk almost everyday... and it will be even better when we officially move to LA because then I will be able to see him much more.  I can't wait!
  We shipped a lot of our stuff already to LA so we don't have to take too much more in our suitcases.  London and I are sharing a dorm room on campus so I am really excited to set it up.  Our families are going with us to drop us off too, so that will be fun to spend a little more time together.  My older brother is also going down with me and my parents, so that will be interesting to see what he thinks of Jonah.  Hopefully it will all work out, London has an older brother also who's coming, so this should be real fun.  (Not really)

  Finally we are boarding the plane to start our new life. Just as I sit down I get a text in London, Addie and I's group chat.

Addie:  I'm already missing you 😭 this is going to be a long year.
Haley:  Me too!  At least you still got Gage.
London: ya! Let's totally FaceTime later though!
Addie:  thanks guys... talk to you later :)

**Addie's POV**

I mean every word I said in the group chat text I just sent and I hope they did too.  But there right I at least have Gage.  Speaking of him, today is our official 2 month "anniversary" of getting together.  I think we are going to do something special tonight, so I texted him to ask.

Addie:  hey Gage! I was wondering what we were doing tonight :)
Gage:  sorry... I've got baseball practice today
Addie: oh... when is that over
Gage:  not till late probably because we are doing a team dinner after
Addie: oh ok

  I set down my phone wanting to cry, but I stop myself.   He's just busy, I mean maybe he didn't remember, and plus it's really not that important.  We can do something tomorrow instead.

  Since I left my night open for Gage, I now have nothing to do... that's until I get a FaceTime call from Haley. 
  I answered it and we talked for a while, there families went to their hotel, and her and London are just setting up their room.  It's going to be so cool, I just wish I was there to help.  Especially now. 

As soon as I hang up, I hear my mom yelling down to me.  I walk into her room and she asked if I could go to the store to buy more milk.  I decide I might as well and grab my keys  to get going.  After running into the store and getting what I needed, I decided I wanted to get some fro yo, because I felt like I deserved some.      So I drive to Menchies, to grab some real quick before coming home.  This is my ultimate favorite frozen yoghurt place and there's usually always many people there.  Like today... it's a Friday so there's more than usual.  After getting the flavor I like I get my toppings and pay. 

  I turn around and that's when my heart stops.
Oh no.  Please no.

All I see in front of me is Gage.  But not with his team.  He's with another girl... on what looks like a date.
I must be dreaming.  This can't be.

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