{40} I ship it

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3 weeks later

*London's POV*

These past few weeks have been crazy.  The boys have had a lot of meetings, and actually released a new song with a music video. 

Today we are finally actually going out and doing something more fun. Me and Haley have been feeling much better since the accident and hopefully she will get her cast off soon.

Luckily the boys have a big enough car to fit us all, so Jonah drives while Haley sits in the passenger seat because it's better for her leg. Then Corbyn, and Jack sit in the back while Zach, Daniel, and I sit in the middle.

"Where are we going?" Jack asks from the back as we pull out of the drive way.

"It's this like this cute place, and they have a bunch of shops, it's just a nice place to walk around." Haley says

"Ya my uncle actually owns one of the stores but he usually runs the one down in Utah.  He visits every once in a while to see how everything is going."  I say

After parking we all make it out of the car and pretty much everybody splits up. I went with Daniel and Corbyn, while Haley and Jonah went to a different store.

*Jacks POV*

  Everyone left us, so we end up walking to some store towards the end of all the others. 
  Zach quickly runs in front of me inside as I try to catch up.
"Zach slow down" I say laughing as I approach the store. 

I'm about to walk inside when I see a wallet laying on the ground.
I quickly pick it up and look inside to see if there's an ID of some sort so I can return it.  Sure enough there was and it has a name.

Peyton Elizabeth Mills

I look around to see no one who could have dropped it so I go into the store Zach ran into, to ask the workers if they know.  I see a lady at the cash register so I decide to ask her.

Do you uh know any Peyton Mills by chance?  I found her wallet outside the store.

A guy then walks up behind me.
"Ya she works here.  Follow me I'll take you to her." He says
"Ok, I mean you can give it to her" I say
"No I'm kind of busy right now.  There she is over there with the brown hair." He says walking away.


  In front of me I see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.  I slowly walk up to her.

"Hi... uh I'm Jack, are you uh Peyton?" I ask nervously

"Ya?" She says. Geese even her voice is pretty

"Well I-I found your wallet outside and that guy told me to give it to you directly."  I say nervously laughing.

"Wow oh my gosh thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done if I lost it!" She says taking the wallet from me. 

"Ya well it's really no problem I just..." I get cut of by hearing my loud friends enter into the store.

"Sorry maybe I'll talk to you later?" I say. She nods with a smile and I head back to them.

"Karen!" I hear London yell as she hugs the person across the counter.

"You know her?" I question

"Of course this is my uncles store! I used to work with her in Utah but she moved to this location to be the manager." I say

*London's POV*

I'm talking to Karen and catching her up on how I'm doing when I hear another voice.

"Hey! what are you doing here?" A voice says from behind me.

"Uncle Craig no way!" I say

"Looks like you came at the right time, how are you two doing?" He says to Haley and I.

"He knows Haley too?" Jonah asks as we are all talking.

"I worked for him back in Utah." She says

"Sorry forgot to introduce my friends, this is Jonah, Daniel, Zach, Corbyn, and Jack." I say gesturing to each of them.

"I met Jack a few minutes ago" he says and I can see Jack turn to him quickly. He keeps staring at the girl restocking the shelf of stuffed animals.

"Anyway, do you want to go to dinner with me?" He asks, every time he's in town, and many of the nights we would work he would take everyone to dinner, honestly this brings back some really good memories.

"You can bring your friends" He says and I get all nods from my friends.

"Ya sounds good!" I say

"Hey Peyton want to come to dinner with us? I think Ryan will be here in a few minutes to take your shift so you can leave." He says.

"Ya sure!" I hear her say, this must be the girl Jack keeps staring at.

"Ryan still works for you." I say laughing with Haley, remembering all our conversations about how much he hated work.

"Yup, we got him to stay." Karen says from across the counter.

The rest of us head out to the restaurant, we asked Peyton if she wanted to come with us, which she gladly excepted, because my uncle isn't the most entertaining person. So all 8 of us piled in.

The waiters prepare a huge table for all of us and we all sit down. A few of his other workers who I know joined us too so we have a ton of people.

I look over to the other side of the table and see Jack sitting with Peyton. There both laughing at something and really getting along great. Honestly I ship it.

I catch up with my uncle and everyone else throughout dinner then we say goodbye.

As we're getting back in the car I can't help but look at Jack who has the biggest smile on his face.
"I ship it" Daniel says as Jack gets in next to him.
"Ship what?" Jack says nervously
"You and Peyton!" I say answering for Daniel.

His face goes red and it's the funniest thing ever.
"Please tell me you got her number" Haley says from the back.

"Maybe I did" he says still with a huge smile.

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