{56} heartbroken

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Peyton's pov

  I feel terrible. 
I just spent 10 minutes in the bathroom throwing up the terrible sushi I had this morning... I knew something was sketchy about the restaurant.  And I completely regret it.  Luckily I was the only one in there, but still doesn't help how I feel.
    I mostly regret making Jack have to wait for me this whole time.

"Hey Jack I'm really sor-" I start to say but realize I look like an idiot as I notice Jack isn't on the bench anymore. 

"Jack?" I say around me trying to see if he just moved somewhere else.
  Maybe he went to the bathroom himself. I tell myself as I gently sit on the bench closing my eyes from the pain my head is in.

  After a few minutes I decide to just call him, but I get no answer.  I send him a few texts until I give up.

  "Hey London" I say quietly as I hold the phone up to my ear.

"Peyton? What's wrong?" She asks

"Um I just spent 10 minutes throwing up in the bathroom, and walk out to find Jack left me"

"Wo wo wo, What?"

"I think I have food poising from the sushi place, and I-i don't know about Jack... he won't answer my calls."

"He just left you?"

"Ya, I need to go home, I have a terrible headache too."

"Tell us where you are, Daniel and I are coming"

   After telling them where I was I sit back in the bench to wait since my stomach hurts to much to move. I'm worried where Jack would have left, but I'm in to much pain to take any initiative in finding him.

  A few minutes later Daniel and London come running into View with concerned faces.

"You do not look so good" Daniel says as I slowly stand up.
"Ya. I don't feel good" I say nervously laughing as I slowly follow them to the busses. 

Luckily the one we need is just leaving so we get on quick and it takes us to the hotel.

"So jack just left?" London asks as we quietly sit together on the bus.
"Ya, I really don't know... I just went to the bathroom and he said he would wait on the bench... and then I heard nothing."  I say quietly
"I'm Literally going beat him when I find him" Daniel furiously says.
"Don't. I'm sure he had a good reason." I say mostly hoping to myself that he had a good reason.

  As soon as we make it into the hotel room London gets a call from Christina and she quickly answers it.

"Ya shes here" London says as she pulls the phone away Turing it on speaker.

"Still no sign of Jack, but I just talked to Aspen" Christina says from the other side as confusion swipes over my whole face, as well as Daniels and London's.

"Why were you talking to her?" London asks with anger in her voice

"Addie saw a photo of them together that some fan account posted of Aspen and Jack" she says

"Well what did she say?" Daniel questions her. I so badly want to say something but all I can do is listen.

"She said she was just with Jack and they went on a "romantic" ride on the Ferris wheel together." Christina says with disgust in her voice.

  Pain contorts on my face as the words she just said sink in. 

"Wtf" Daniel Quietly whispers beside me.

"We're going to stay a little longer to see if Jack finds us, then we'll head back" she says

"Ok let me know if anything comes up"

"I will" Christina says before hanging up.

"Who exactly is this Aspen girl, I've kind of heard of her but...?" I painfully say looking them both in the eyes as I break the silence.

  "Well when Daniel and I started dating, Jack had this thing with the boys old managers daughter... which is Aspen."  London begins
"They never made it official but we all knew it was there" Daniel continues.

"But she's a little self obsessed, and we could all tell she didn't have the best intentions, she really wasn't a nice person in real life" London says "everyone could see it even Jack so we broke ties and she freaked out causing the boys to switch managers"

"We haven't talked to her in months" Daniel says
"Oh"  I quietly say, that's all I can say... I feel stupid but it's all I got. I mean what else am I supposed to do.

"Pey I'm so sorry" London says pulling me into a hug. 
"It's okay" I say as my heart just crushes more. 

  I decided to just get some rest because it's useless to think any more about this whole mess. Daniel went back to his room to call people and London is furiously typing away at her phone after giving me some medicine.
  At least that is helping, I don't feel as sick as I begin to fall asleep my whole body and my heart numb from the last few hours. 

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