{10} Nervous

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Londons POV

Group chat

Jonah: hey when do you guys land? we should all go out to dinner
Haley: actually we got in an hour ago, and we're in the hotel now...  but that sounds awesome!
London: ya! What time and where?
Daniel: we were thinking 6, if that works for you... and what kind of restaurants do you like?
Addie: perfect
London: like sit down or fast food?
Jonah: well we were thinking sit down, but whatever works.
Haley: cool! What about Red Lobster?
Zach: I love that place
Jack: me to
Jonah: perfect!
London: great! We'll meet you there!

It's currently 12:00 pm, so we have some time before dinner.  We decide to go shopping around the city.   After a couple hours we eventually make our way back.

"What are you wearing tonight?" Addie asks us as we're walking back to the hotel
"Not sure yet, I'm thinking nice casual" I say pressing the button to the elevator.
"So comfy dress" Haley says
"Exactly" I say "what about you?"
"Probably same" Addie says

We make it up to the floor, we have about an hour till we leave so we start getting ready now.  I dig through my bag and find the dress I was looking for.  It's sort of like a t shirt dress but a little nicer, and it has black and white stripes.  It's really comfy but still nice so I think it will be perfect.  I go to the bathroom and put it on.  My hair was in a loose braid so I take it out.  I don't have to do much else because it's got a nice wavy curl to it. 

I come out and notice Haley and Addie are wearing a similar style of dress also.  Its about time to leave so I then put my sandals on and grab my phone and keys so we can drive to the restaurant.

"I'm actually really nervous" Addie says as we are getting into the car.
"Ya I mean, only a few months ago we were fan girls and now we are there friends.  It kind of funny" haley says
"Well no matter what I think it will be fun" London says

We then make it to the restaurant and i get butterflies in my stomach as I park the car, why am I so nervous? I tell myself

We are start walking to the door when we see them run up and join us

There here... in real life... right here...

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