{55} Jack?

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Peyton's pov

"Want to get a churro?" Jack asks as walk past the stand smelling like cinnamon.
"Actually ya, I could use a snack" I say following him over to the counter.

"Can we get two churros please?" Jack asks as he begins to pull out his wallet.
"That will be 7 dollars" the man across the counter casually says.
Before Jack can pull out his money I quickly hand the cashier a $10 bill.
I ignore Jack's glare as I get my change in return.

"I was going to pay for that" Jack sternly says causing me to laugh as we walk away.
"Jack, you have gotten me so much, I can pay too... it's really fine" I say
"Whatever, I'm buying next" He says
"Alright" I say laughing as we walk hand and hand while eating our sweet churros.

"I love Disney... Home to adventures, fun rides, and overpriced food" I say smiling as I toss the wrapper into the trash can.
"I mean at least it was good" he says pulling me closer to him.
"Your right... but I can get a churro for a dollar at Costco, so..."
"And those are even better" he says
"I guess it's the experience" I say as we walk into the line of the next ride we are going on.

Jack and I aren't the biggest fans of roller coasters, but we do like the easier rides, ones that aren't on a track and go 100 feet in the air.
After a few different rides we decided to just stick to the teacups. A Disney tradition... that everyone has to go on at least once.

"Even this may be a little much" I say half joking as I let out a laugh. I've been feeling slightly nauseous the past hour... but I think I will be fine, I'm probably just hungry, and a little dizzy after the last ride.
"Ya this is a wild ride" he says pulling me closer to him.

"Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times" the announcer says before the big cups begin to move around in circles.

By the time the ride is finished I can barley focus on one thing.
"Are you ok?" Jack asks holding out his hand to help my out of the cart.
"Ya, probably isn't the best idea to go on a spinning ride when your already feeling dizzy right?" I say nervously laughing.

"Do you want to go home?" He asks carefully watching me with eyes full of concern.
"No no, it's one of our last nights I'll be fine, but I do need to go to the bathroom real quick."

After walking for about 10 minutes a headache starts to pound in my head and I feel like I'm going to throw up, but tonight we were going to watch the parade, it's the only night we can... and I'm sure I'm just over reacting a little.
I leave Jack as he sits on the nearby bench while I walk into the bathroom.

Jacks pov

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and notice Jonah's name on the screen so I quickly swipe it open.

"Hey were going to dinner soon, just wanted to check in and see what you were doing." He says

"Ya we are too, Peyton's just in the bathroom, we'll meet you for the show in a little while right?" I say

"Ya, see you then" Jonah says before hanging up.

I slowly close my phone and look out into the sky that's getting darker and darker.

"Jack?!" I hear a voice say from behind me as my head whips around to the voice.
"Um, Aspen?"
"Oh my gosh crazy meeting you here!" She says happily seating into the seat next to me.

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